Alxandr / SpotiFire

A project to make a SpotifyClient in C#
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Remove custom await-code. #40

Closed Alxandr closed 10 years ago

Alxandr commented 11 years ago

All custom await-code should be removed and TaskCompletionSources should be used instead.

In classes like Playlist that can be awaited, a private TaskCompletionSource should be added, and instanciated when needed (using Interlocked.CompareExchange). The await-methods (GetAwaiter etc.) that are currently added through extension-methods from the C# library should be added into the class itself.

Alxandr commented 10 years ago

@ChrisBrandhorst Has this been resolved?

ChrisBrandhorst commented 10 years ago

@Alxandr Not by me!

Alxandr commented 10 years ago

I went over the code, and it seems to have been resolved already. I'm closing this issue.