Alxandr / SpotiFire

A project to make a SpotifyClient in C#
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Added property to get user country code and country string to Session #56

Closed NeoLegends closed 9 years ago

NeoLegends commented 9 years ago

Its useful to know the user country / -code, especially if you need to determine whether a track is available in some region or not (not possible through libspotify but through Web API, iirc).

Alxandr commented 9 years ago

Thanks :)

NeoLegends commented 9 years ago

Could you please upload the new version to NuGet?

Alxandr commented 9 years ago

Unfortunately, I can't get SpotiFire to build on my current machine (no idea why, and I don't currently have time to look at it). I plan to get a CI up and running at some point to mitigate this problem (and probably fix the build-script). I can upload the nupkeg though if you throw it my way, just make sure it has a higher version number than the previous one (it reads the version number from a version number file).

NeoLegends commented 9 years ago

I mailed the .nupkg directly after I issued the pull request since I guessed you still have that problem. Perhaps they arrived in your spam folder. I'll also mail them again, just to be sure.

Thank you for your support even after you discontinued the project, btw. :)

Alxandr commented 9 years ago

Ah, I have a spam problem combined with vacation. Not checking mail every 2 hours + reeving a fuckton of mail = headache. Received and uploaded though :).

Also, I'll get to formatting my computer and fixing stuff (it really needs to be formatted) once I'm done with my current work project. Hopefully by the end of the vacation.

NeoLegends commented 9 years ago


Best of luck and a happy new year!