Alxandr / SpotiFire

A project to make a SpotifyClient in C#
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Fixed Session::Relogin #61

Closed NeoLegends closed 8 years ago

NeoLegends commented 8 years ago

Session previously used a TaskCompletionSource hooked into logged_in. However, logged_in is never called by sp_session_relogin, so the method kinda deadlocked.

Also prepared project for VS '15.

Alxandr commented 8 years ago

No callbacks for relogin at all?

NeoLegends commented 8 years ago

Relogin is synchronous, as far as the docs say. Or at least they don't mention asynchronity in connection with relogin. But you're right, I didn't think about the case where the relogin succeeds, I only noticed the case when it fails. It could still be asynchronous, damn. I'll check that.