Alya-N / C-Hero-Calc

PvE Solver for Cosmos Quest (Last Update: Archers and the Eternals)
10 stars 6 forks source link

Solution Failing on v4.7.4.1a #49

Closed Vitae666 closed 4 years ago

Vitae666 commented 4 years ago

Successfully got enemy lineup for DQ172 - A33,E33,A33,egg:3000,zaytus:6000 Successfully got quests from server DQ solution accepted by server Successfully got enemy lineup for DQ172 - A33,E33,A33,egg:3000,zaytus:6000

Solution for [Followers: 3,045,104,500 | zaytus:6000 egg:3000 a33 e33 a33 <==]: [Followers: 0 | minerva:99.2 raiderrose:99.6 arei:99.2 retia:72 ageum:99.2 aurora:99.6 <==]

Battle Replay (Use on Ingame Tournament Page): eyJzZXR1cCI6Wy0xNzUsLTEzNCwtNjksLTE5MiwtNzIsLTE0OV0sInNoZXJvIjp7IjE0NyI6OTksIjcwIjo5OSwiMTkwIjo3MiwiNjciOjk5LCIxMzIiOjk5LCIxNzMiOjk5fSwic3Byb21vIjp7IjE0NyI6NiwiNzAiOjIsIjY3IjoyLCIxMzIiOjYsIjE3MyI6Mn0sInBsYXllciI6Wy00MywtMjA4LDEyOCwxMjksMTI4LC0xXSwicGhlcm8iOnsiMjA2IjozMDAwLCI0MSI6NjAwMH0sInBwcm9tbyI6e319


Alya-N commented 4 years ago

This bug I believe was actually quite a complicated one, which is why it wasn't fixed for a while. New calc doesn't show a solution with these heroes, but Retia himself has been changed so he no longer gives the buff to the unit behind him.