Alya-N / C-Hero-Calc

PvE Solver for Cosmos Quest (Last Update: Archers and the Eternals)
10 stars 6 forks source link

Solution Failing on v4.7.5.1b #52

Closed Vitae666 closed 4 years ago

Vitae666 commented 4 years ago

Enter Enemy Lineup(s): w33,a33,jalrok:4000,aquortis:7000,frosty:5000 Solution for [Followers: 1,959,498,000 | frosty:5000 aquortis:7000 jalrok:4000 a33 w33 <==]: [Followers: 0 | adam:39 masterlee:99.2 raiderrose:99.6 buccaneerbeatrice:99.2 lili:99.2 aurora:99.6 <==]

Battle Replay (Use on Ingame Tournament Page): eyJzZXR1cCI6Wy0yMDAsLTEwNCwtMTM0LC0xMzUsLTE4NywtMTQ5XSwic2hlcm8iOnsiMTQ3Ijo5OSwiMTg1Ijo5OSwiMTMzIjo5OSwiMTMyIjo5OSwiMTAy Ijo5OSwiMTk4IjozOX0sInNwcm9tbyI6eyIxNDciOjYsIjE4NSI6MiwiMTMzIjoyLCIxMzIiOjYsIjEwMiI6Mn0sInBsYXllciI6Wy0xMzgsLTI2LC0yMjgs MTI4LDEzMSwtMV0sInBoZXJvIjp7IjIyNiI6NDAwMCwiMjQiOjcwMDAsIjEzNiI6NTAwMH0sInBwcm9tbyI6e319


Per CQMC Successfully got enemy lineup for DQ170 - W33,A33,jalrok:4000,aquortis:7000,frosty:5000 Successfully got quests from server DQ solution accepted by server Successfully got enemy lineup for DQ170 - W33,A33,jalrok:4000,aquortis:7000,frosty:5000

Alya-N commented 4 years ago

Well, the solution works now, and the new version I just updated shows an equally valid solution.