Alzymologist / Kalatori-backend

Kalatori daemon to handle chain-to-webstore interaction
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Consider using in-house frameworks #16

Open Slesarew opened 1 month ago

Slesarew commented 1 month ago

We have all the good things:

All you need to do is add rpc bridge and possibly a smoldot and you'll have all client daemon functionality without nasty sp deps (except for a few really lean and clean ones) and wasm things, plus proper no-std.

Example how to quickly and dirtily slap everything together is Lempi except for blocks parsing that is documented in substrate-parser

fluiderson commented 1 month ago

subxt is still more mature, complete & customizable IMO. The dependencies amount is huge but this is because I used all-included features to implement things faster. In the future, when we will know what we absolutely need & what we don't, we can significantly reduce total dependencies number by replacing heavy on dependencies parts with our own implementations (even with some of our frameworks) for corresponding traits. There's also an ongoing work to make subxt usable in #[no_std] environments and add the light client backend, which we may integrate without changing too much.

Slesarew commented 1 month ago

Just keep this possibility in mind, we'll reduce maintenance overheads a lot this way.

Signing tools must be changes, sp implementations are just bad for shared memory space which is most probably the case for this daemon (unlike nodes for which those implementations were made). We've had a careful look at them recently and it's just disturbing.