AmProsius / gothic-1-community-patch

Gothic 1 Community Patch
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Spelling - Ian: log entry (DE) #394

Open m0ezes opened 1 week ago

m0ezes commented 1 week ago

Please agree to the following

Describe the typo

In the German localization of the game (1.08j CD version) there are several typos in a log entry during the quest "Secretion of the Minecrawlers" in the second chapter. The log entry appears after delivering the gear wheel to Ian, the boss of the Old Mine:

"Ich habe Ian das Zahnrad des verlassenen Erzstampfers gebracht.Ian sagte mir,wenn ich Asgahn die Worte ALLES WIRD GUT sagen, dann wird er das Tor zu den dunklen Schächten öffnen."


Expected spelling

Changed content of "B_LogEntry" (line 336) in "DIA_STT_301_Ian.d" from "Ich habe Ian das Zahnrad des verlassenen Erzstampfers gebracht.Ian sagte mir,wenn ich Asgahn die Worte ALLES WIRD GUT sagen, dann wird er das Tor zu den dunklen Schächten öffnen." to "Ich habe Ian das Zahnrad des verlassenen Erzstampfers gebracht. Ian sagte mir, wenn ich Asghan die Worte ALLES WIRD GUT sage, dann wird dieser das Tor zu den dunklen Schächten öffnen.".

AmProsius commented 1 week ago

Thank you for this spelling issue!

While I agree with almost everything, I wouldn't change the last part:

grammatically, "er" in "[...] dann wird er das Tor [...] öffnen" refers to Ian himself and not to Asghan

As this is grammatically ambiguous, it would mean that this change would be more or less opinionated. I agree that "dieser" would be more clear, but we don't aim to make the game better, only less worse.

So my suggestion would be:

Ich habe Ian das Zahnrad des verlassenen Erzstampfers gebracht. Ian sagte mir, wenn ich Asghan die Worte ALLES WIRD GUT sage, dann wird er das Tor zu den dunklen Schächten öffnen.
AmProsius commented 1 week ago

Every entry in this topic has spelling errors.

Der Guru Cor Kalom hat mich beauftragt, in der Alten Mine nach einer Quelle für Minecrawlersekret zu suchen. Bisher wurden dafür die Zangen dieser Monster benutzt, doch ich soll etwas anderes, besonderes, finden, aus dem man ein besonders starkes Sekret herstellen könnte.
Asghan, der Chef der Minengardisten, weigert sich, das Tor zu öffnen. Er will erst die Erlaubnis von Ian haben.
Ian der Minenboss will mir nicht helfen, das Nest zu finden. Ich soll ihm erst ein neues Zahnrad für ihren kaputten Erzstampfer besorgen. Er erwähnte einen verlassenen Nebenstollen, in dem sich noch ein alter Stampfer befinden soll.
Ich habe Ian das Zahnrad des verlassenen Erzstampfers gebracht. Ian sagte mir, wenn ich Asghan die Worte ALLES WIRD GUT sage, dann wird er das Tor zu den dunklen Schächten öffnen.
Trotz Ians Einwilligung will Asghan das Tor erst öffnen, [...]
szapp commented 1 week ago

Looks also great to me, thanks for reporting! That log entry really needs some fixing.

I suppose grammatical fixes are sometimes quite essential. The case of "er" versus "dieser" is rather minor and does not necessarily fix anything clearly broken. I am mostly in favor for keeping it minimal with the fixes. This also has to do with the process of fixing: The more constraints on what we expect to be broken the narrower the patch can address any issues in potentially half-fixed environments (other mods than the original Gothic). Nevertheless, we usually discuss every suggestion in the issue comments until settling on what to fix each time.

Just a quick note @m0ezes. We tend to continuously edit the title and text of reported issues. If we adjust your text that has nothing to do with the quality of your report. It's rather about formatting and updating the specifics throughout the discussion on the details.

@AmProsius let's use this issue to discuss the extent of the problems in the log topic. Most likely every log entry will later be it's own fix, I think.

AmProsius commented 1 week ago

@AmProsius let's use this issue to discuss the extent of the problems in the log topic. Most likely every log entry will later be it's own fix, I think.

Exactly my thoughts. Let's see how soon we will hit the threshold of 999 fixes 😂

m0ezes commented 1 week ago

Thanks for your feedback!

@AmProsius I think you are right about "er" and "dieser". This would be more of an improvement than a fix. So I agree with your change of my text correction.

You should check your corrections for the other entries. You created some new mistakes. ;-)

@szapp Feel free to change title and text of my reported issue as it fits your needs!

General question: as stated above, almost every log entry for this quest line (and for almost all other quest lines in the game) has at least one missing space character or some other typo(s). Should we collect all typos for this quest line here in this thread or only the ones that get triggerd after talking to NPC "Ian" (script "DIA_STT_301_Ian.d")?

Not 100% sure if I triggered all available journal entries for this quest line, but here are two additional screenshots of the other log entries:

Screenshot 2: Ian-2

Screenshot 3 (only to show the last entry in its entirety): Ian-3