AmadeusITGroup / AgnosUI

Multiframework Frontend Component Libraries, including Headless and Bootstrap
MIT License
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Dependency Dashboard #70

Closed renovate[bot] closed 9 months ago

renovate[bot] commented 1 year ago

This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.


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Detected dependencies

.github/workflows/build.yml - `actions/checkout v4` - `actions/setup-node v4` - `codecov/codecov-action v3` - `actions/checkout v4`
.github/workflows/e2e-tests.yml - `actions/checkout v4` - `actions/setup-node v4` - `codecov/codecov-action v3`
.github/workflows/renovate.yml - `actions/checkout v4` - `renovatebot/github-action v39.1.3`
angular/headless/package.json - `@amadeus-it-group/tansu 0.0.23` - `tslib ^2.6.2` - `@angular/common *` - `@angular/core *`
angular/lib/package.json - `@amadeus-it-group/tansu 0.0.23` - `tslib ^2.6.2` - `@angular/common *` - `@angular/core *`
angular/package.json - `@angular/animations ^17.0.2` - `@angular/common ^17.0.2` - `@angular/compiler ^17.0.2` - `@angular/core ^17.0.2` - `@angular/forms ^17.0.2` - `@angular/platform-browser ^17.0.2` - `@angular/platform-browser-dynamic ^17.0.2` - `@angular/router ^17.0.2` - `rxjs ^7.8.1` - `tslib ^2.6.2` - `zone.js ~0.14.2` - `@angular-devkit/build-angular ^17.0.0` - `@angular-eslint/eslint-plugin ^17.0.1` - `@angular-eslint/eslint-plugin-template ^17.0.1` - `@angular-eslint/template-parser ^17.0.1` - `@angular/cli ^17.0.0` - `@angular/compiler-cli ^17.0.2` - `@types/webpack-env ^1.18.4` - `ng-packagr ^17.0.0` - `ngx-build-plus ^17.0.0` - `raw-loader ^4.0.2` - `sirv-cli ^2.0.2` - `typescript ~5.2.2`
base-po/package.json - `@playwright/test *`
code-coverage/package.json - `@babel/core ^7.23.3` - `@babel/plugin-syntax-decorators ^7.23.3` - `@babel/plugin-syntax-typescript ^7.23.3` - `babel-plugin-istanbul ^6.1.1` - `nyc ^15.1.0` - `uuid ^9.0.1` - `@types/babel__core ^7.20.4` - `vite ^4.5.0` - `vite *`
core/lib/package.json - `@amadeus-it-group/tansu 0.0.23`
core/package.json - `@amadeus-it-group/tansu 0.0.23` - `eslint-plugin-jsdoc ^46.9.0`
demo/package.json - `@popperjs/core ^2.11.8` - `highlight.js ^11.9.0` - `@stackblitz/sdk ^1.9.0` - `@sveltejs/adapter-static ^2.0.3` - `@sveltejs/kit ^1.27.6` - `@sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte ^2.5.2` - `@types/dom-view-transitions ^1.0.4` - `bootstrap-icons ^1.11.1` - `eslint-plugin-svelte ^2.35.0` - `prettier-plugin-svelte ^3.1.0` - `svelte ^4.2.5` - `svelte-check ^3.6.0`
demo/src/lib/stackblitz/angular/package.json - `@angular-devkit/build-angular ^17.0.0` - `@angular/animations ^17.0.2` - `@angular/cli ^17.0.0` - `@angular/common ^17.0.2` - `@angular/compiler ^17.0.2` - `@angular/compiler-cli ^17.0.2` - `@angular/core ^17.0.2` - `@angular/forms ^17.0.2` - `@angular/platform-browser ^17.0.2` - `@angular/platform-browser-dynamic ^17.0.2` - `@angular/router ^17.0.2` - `bootstrap-icons ^1.11.1` - `raw-loader ^4.0.2` - `rxjs ^7.8.1` - `tslib ^2.6.2` - `typescript ~5.2.2` - `zone.js ~0.14.2`
demo/src/lib/stackblitz/react/package.json - `@types/react ^18.2.37` - `@types/react-dom ^18.2.15` - `@vitejs/plugin-react ^4.2.0` - `bootstrap-icons ^1.11.1` - `react ^18.2.0` - `react-dom ^18.2.0` - `sass ^1.69.5` - `tslib ^2.6.2` - `typescript ~5.2.2` - `vite ^4.5.0`
demo/src/lib/stackblitz/svelte/package.json - `@sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte ^2.5.2` - `@tsconfig/svelte ^5.0.2` - `bootstrap-icons ^1.11.1` - `sass ^1.69.5` - `svelte ^4.2.5` - `svelte-check ^3.6.0` - `tslib ^2.6.2` - `typescript ~5.2.2` - `vite ^4.5.0`
eslint-plugin/package.json - `@typescript-eslint/utils ^6.11.0` - `@angular/core ^17.0.2` - `@typescript-eslint/rule-tester ^6.11.0` - `@vitest/coverage-v8 ^0.34.6` - `svelte ^4.2.5` - `svelte-eslint-parser ^0.33.1` - `typescript *`
package.json - `@axe-core/playwright ^4.8.1` - `@microsoft/api-extractor ^7.38.3` - `@playwright/test ^1.40.0` - `@types/node ^20.9.2` - `@types/uuid ^9.0.7` - `@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin ^6.11.0` - `@typescript-eslint/parser ^6.11.0` - `@vitest/browser ^0.34.6` - `@vitest/ui ^0.34.6` - `bootstrap ^5.3.2` - `eslint ^8.54.0` - `eslint-config-prettier ^9.0.0` - `glob 10.3.10` - `husky ^8.0.3` - `lint-staged ^15.1.0` - `npm-run-all ^4.1.5` - `prettier ^3.1.0` - `semver ^7.5.4` - `syncpack ^11.2.1` - `ts-node ^10.9.1` - `typescript ~5.2.2` - `vite ^4.5.0` - `vitest ^0.34.6` - `npm ^10.2.4` - `node ^20.9.0` - `npm 10.2.4`
page-objects/package.json - `@playwright/test *`
react/headless/package.json - `@amadeus-it-group/tansu 0.0.23` - `classnames ^2.3.2` - `react *` - `react-dom *`
react/lib/package.json - `@amadeus-it-group/tansu 0.0.23` - `classnames ^2.3.2` - `react *` - `react-dom *`
react/package.json - `@types/react ^18.2.37` - `@types/react-dom ^18.2.15` - `@vitejs/plugin-react ^4.2.0` - `classnames ^2.3.2` - `eslint-plugin-react ^7.33.2` - `react ^18.2.0` - `react-dom ^18.2.0` - `react-router-dom ^6.19.0`
style-bootstrap/package.json - `sass ^1.69.5`
svelte/headless/package.json - `@amadeus-it-group/tansu 0.0.23` - `svelte *`
svelte/lib/package.json - `@amadeus-it-group/tansu 0.0.23` - `svelte *`
svelte/package.json - `@amadeus-it-group/tansu 0.0.23` - `@sveltejs/package ^2.2.2` - `@sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte ^2.5.2` - `eslint-plugin-svelte ^2.35.0` - `prettier-plugin-svelte ^3.1.0` - `svelte ^4.2.5` - `svelte-check ^3.6.0`

quentinderoubaix commented 11 months ago

Replaced with #255