Amahmoud1994 / ping-pong

Embedded System's project
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PS2 Controller to Normal Button #2

Open CCERocks opened 7 years ago

CCERocks commented 7 years ago

Assalammualaikum Abdel Rahman, i would like to know how to change the PS2 Controller to button for the pong game.. at least 2 button just like normal pong play.

best regards from Malaysia

Amahmoud1994 commented 7 years ago

Wa Alikum Al-Salam 😃 ,

If you are wondering about changing the controls to maybe a button in the PS2 controller then you can use this tutorial:

but if you want to use an external button then you can follow this tutorial:

CCERocks commented 7 years ago

thank you for the reply,

i couldnt declare the button function on pong_game.h since i want to play pong game only & not both.

is there anyway to do pong_game.ino only?

CCERocks commented 7 years ago

syukur alhamdulillah.. im successfully change your ps4 joystick controller to normal button with merge the ponggame.h into the main ino file.. & also with the balancinggame too..

anyway.. can you tell me the gameplay for balancinggame? im lost a little bit..

Amahmoud1994 commented 7 years ago

Alhamdulillah you figured it out. I hope this video will describe it more: