AmailP / robot-plugin

Robot Framework support plugin for IntelliJ Idea
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Embedded variables surrounded with quotes raises fatal error #3

Closed robbert-s closed 10 years ago

robbert-s commented 10 years ago

When a definition contains embedded variables surrounded by quotes, for example:

When user enters "${value}" in the detail field
    Input Text    detail    ${value}

jumping to definitions stops working and raises an exception while trying to find the appropriate keyword to jump to.

Exception shown in the Event Log:

Illegal repetition near index 22
(?i)When user enters "${value}" in the detail field
^: Illegal repetition near index 22
(?i)When user enters "${value}" in the detail field
AmailP commented 10 years ago

I have just fixed the fatal error that was happening due to an unquoted usage of Java regexp. Unfortunately still the jump to keyword is not working in the previous example because of a limitation of the lexer that considers a robot variable only when surrounded by spaces. I will work on this in the next few days.