AmailP / robot-plugin

Robot Framework support plugin for IntelliJ Idea
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Fail to get Selenium2Library keyword reference while typing any supported keyword in testcases context. #43

Open jamesxu2018 opened 7 years ago

jamesxu2018 commented 7 years ago

I'm using pycharm+robot frame+this plugin for web developing,

I import Selenium2Library, but I can't get get Selenium2Library keyword reference while typing in testcases context. Note: I can get the keyword reference from an import resource file.

see the diagram for detail. image

Is this a bug or should I install another plugin from JetBrains? I'm not quite sure the requirement marked with *

Code completion support: User defined keywords from .robot files User defined keywords from Static Python libraries [] Robot Library keywords []

[*] requires PyCharm or Python plugin from JetBrains

Kenith commented 7 years ago

I have the same issue, and seems the issue exists for a long time. or do we miss something important settings?

Snooz82 commented 4 years ago

SeleniumLibrary is a dynamic library that is not yet supported.

@AmailP a fix or "easy" way to implement could be, that you base your code completion on the xml format that is generated by robot.libdoc.

python -m robot.libdoc SeleniumLibrary SeleniumLibrary.xml

then you could parse this xml to find all keywords and arguments in it. Or you just allow users to put these kind of xml file in a specific folder. Everything what is in there, is parsed by you and if this library is included, you offer the keywords.