Amands2Mello / AmandsSense

MIT License
23 stars 7 forks source link

csproj missed #2

Closed sovzzz closed 2 months ago

sovzzz commented 6 months ago

It seems the csproj is not included. By the way, could I redistribute this mod? Of course I saw the MIT license. But to confirm it, I want to ask that is there any thing else to do apart from the MIT required?

qe201020335 commented 4 months ago

Just forked it and cleaned up a bunch of things. Here is a working csproj I created. Some using statements are unused and must be removed to compile.

```xml net471 AmandsSense 1.1.0 true latest;; AmandsSense ..\References\0Harmony.dll False ..\References\Aki.Common.dll False ..\References\Aki.Reflection.dll False ..\References\Assembly-CSharp.dll False ..\References\BepInEx.dll False ..\References\Comfort.dll False ..\References\UnityEngine.dll False ..\..\SPTClientMods\References.aki\UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll False ..\References\UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll False ..\..\SPTClientMods\References.aki\UnityEngine.InputLegacyModule.dll False ..\..\SPTClientMods\References.aki\UnityEngine.PhysicsModule.dll False ..\..\SPTClientMods\References.aki\UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestAudioModule.dll False ..\..\SPTClientMods\References.aki\UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll False ..\..\SPTClientMods\References.aki\UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestTextureModule.dll False ```