Amands2Mello / AmandsSense

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Sense not working with 2.0.0 on SPT-AKI 3.8.3 #6

Open rsandu opened 1 month ago

rsandu commented 1 month ago


I installed the beta version. I am running on a Fika server and will provide my full modlist. I can see the mod in the F12 menu, however I cannot toggle it with the button and nothing shows up even though I have always on enabled.

I know that it has been working for other users, however we have been unable to pinpoint what is causing the conflict so far.

I will update with a fresh server running nothing but fika and sense and add mods one by one to see if I can pinpoint what is causing it - but if you have any idea of what it could be I'd love your help!


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Amands2Mello commented 1 month ago

download the latest sense version 2.0.0b

rsandu commented 1 month ago

that's the one I have

Amands2Mello commented 1 month ago

from your screenshot the mod is from 4/11/2024 which is 2.0.0a release date; there is a new release 2.0.0b and it fixes the incompatibility with FIKA. if it's not that then it could be another mod incompatibility or corrupted install which could be fixed by reinstalling using 7zip.

rsandu commented 1 month ago

Great catch, thank you so much. I was sure I had put the new version in but I must've been tired and dragging in the wrong zip. My fault - thanks for the fast replies, support and for your work. Looking forward to using your mods :)