Amarantine-xiv / Amas-FF14-Combat-Sim

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Overcrit/OverDH multipliers from stat #47

Open lial6789 opened 2 weeks ago

lial6789 commented 2 weeks ago

Attached is an image of the 6.2 patch notes for context. I am aware that the simulator attempts to resolve the first point regarding chance increasing buffs, however I am under the impression that it is currently incorrect. Furthermore, I do not believe the simulator accounts for the second point at all.


From the small amount of testing that I had done in 6.2, I had found the following regarding these changes to crit/dh. I will be using 2300 crit substat and 1091 dh substat which correspond to (25%, 1.6) and (20%, 1.25) respectively.

1.) Crit substats apply 10% of their rate into crit damage/bonus under "Overcrit" actions. For example, a guaranteed crit will have a multiplier of (1.6 + 0.250.1). 2.) DH substats apply 20% of their rate into DH damage/bonus under "OverDH" actions. For example, a guaranteed DH will have a multiplier of (1.25 + 0.20.2).

3.) Crit Buffs apply exactly their rate into the crit damage/bonus under "Overcrit" actions. For example, Chain Strategem increases critical hit rate by 10%. This means a guaranteed crit will have a multiplier of (1.6 + 0.25*0.1 + 0.1) 4.) DH Buffs apply half their rate into the direct hit damage/bonus under "OverDH" actions. For example, Battle Voice increases direct hit rate by 20%. This means a guaranteed DH will have a multiplier of (1.25 + 0.2*0.2 + *0.20.5**)

While the data I have is not extensive, there is a relative error of ~1% when using these methods to calculate "Overcrit" and "OverDH".

I will be easiest to reach through discord where my handle is "lial" if there are any extensive questions that are more easily resolved off of this platform.

Enjoying the simulator 👍 and hope it only gets better from here.

Amarantine-xiv commented 2 weeks ago

Hey, thanks for the report!

Hmm, can you share with me what logged damage you have + gearset you used? Like an fflogs url or something, so I can compare? Those particular functions are regression tested, and the sim is verified using 25+ savage and ultimate logs, with auto-crit/dh skills under full raid buffs (each logged damage instanced is checked against the sim's theoretical, unsampled damage ranges). I would like to be able to reproduce your findings and check to make sure it's not like a potency change between 6.2 and 6.55, or gear difference! I'm not aware of the 10%

On DH:

On Crit:

And their combination:

If you could provide a log and gearset, I can take a look! Thanks! The effects you mentioned should all be accounted for.