AmazingAmpharos / OoT-Randomizer

A randomizer for Ocarina of Time.
296 stars 365 forks source link

Possibly stuck? #193

Closed nighthawk144 closed 6 years ago

nighthawk144 commented 6 years ago

Almost at the end of the game and i see now that for my seed i get the progressive hookshot from the frog game. Issue is Sarias song which i belive i need for the frog game is from the forest trial at ganons castle which i cant get to until i finish everything else. I am just missing Koiri emerald, water medallion, and light medallion. Is there a trick i am missing?


BashPrime commented 6 years ago

You can complete the Fire and Spirit Temples without the Longshot, then dive into Ganon's Castle and get the Longshot from the Forest Trial.

nighthawk144 commented 6 years ago

I feel dumb, i just found the boots in the spirit temple which ties everything together. thank!