Closed jordan-boyer closed 5 years ago
This issues appear after you fix issue #37
example : When base url is set to bar and route is foo, vue matomo will return bar//toto quick fix: remove last / in routerBase = /${routerBase}/ and add / before # in const maybeHash = options.router.mode === 'hash' ? '#' : ''
routerBase = /${routerBase}/
const maybeHash = options.router.mode === 'hash' ? '#' : ''
Thanks. Didn't think that through entirely. Fixed!
This issue is still ongoing for me with version vue-matomo@3.12.0-5
Will investigate
Should be fixed in v3.13.0-0 thanks to @pdl through #45
This issues appear after you fix issue #37
example : When base url is set to bar and route is foo, vue matomo will return
quick fix: remove last / in
routerBase = /${routerBase}/
and add / before # inconst maybeHash = options.router.mode === 'hash' ? '#' : ''