Closed ColinSeanKavanagh closed 4 years ago
Hello. There is another configuration option disableCookies
. I think that you can use it to disable all cookies, and then enable the cookies again when the user has given consent.
It may be worthwhile to take a look at how the options are processed before the matomo script is loaded
How can you enable the cookies again? I looked in the Matomo docs and I did not found a method for that
Hmm right I see. It seems that it is not supported to manually enable cookies:
The workaround is to reload the page and then not call disableCookies... I'm afraid I can't do much from this side
I think they a new configuration available here. We can try to implement this what do you think @AmazingDreams ?
Good find. I think it can be implemented on the application side entirely using the custom pre init actions
Hello there,
I need an option, where no Cookies are created until consent is given (Opt-In). The option requireConsent is true and trackInitialView is false, however there is always a cookie created called "_pk_id.14.1fff" which contains an id that is trackable.
Another problem, which seems related: When I want to call the function disableCookies() there seems to be the problem that a "_paq.push(['trackPageView'])" was already called ( see
How can I disable the function being called before consent is given?