Closed H-EKE closed 4 months ago
Since you are using the CHARMM FF, I assume the C-terminus is patched somehow, but without knowing how you generated the PSF I can only guess. Try checking the atoms in your C-terminal tyrosine with e.g.
parm prod1/structure.psf
atoms :1063
Do you see an N
Thanks again for the help and the answer!
I applied a Cter patch
REMARKS segment B { first ACE; last CTER; auto angles dihedrals }
CPPTRAJ: Trajectory Analysis. V6.4.4 (AmberTools)
___ ___ ___ ___
| \/ | \/ | \/ |
| Date/time: 06/30/24 01:36:19
| Available memory: 9.339 GB
Loading previous history from log 'cpptraj.log'
> parm prod1/structure.psf
[parm prod1/structure.psf]
Reading 'prod1/structure.psf' as Charmm PSF
Reading Charmm PSF file structure.psf as topology file.
PSF contains 570230 atoms, 145435 residues.
Warning: Determining bond length parameters from element types for 'structure.psf'.
> atoms :1063
[atoms :1063]
22 atoms selected.
#Atom Name #Res Name #Mol Type Charge Mass GBradius El
17152 N 1063 TYR 3 NH1 -0.4700 14.0070 0.0000 N
17153 HN 1063 TYR 3 H 0.3100 1.0080 0.0000 H
17154 CA 1063 TYR 3 CT1 0.0700 12.0110 0.0000 C
17155 HA 1063 TYR 3 HB1 0.0900 1.0080 0.0000 H
17156 CB 1063 TYR 3 CT2 -0.1800 12.0110 0.0000 C
17157 HB1 1063 TYR 3 HA2 0.0900 1.0080 0.0000 H
17158 HB2 1063 TYR 3 HA2 0.0900 1.0080 0.0000 H
17159 CG 1063 TYR 3 CA 0.0000 12.0110 0.0000 C
17160 CD1 1063 TYR 3 CA -0.1150 12.0110 0.0000 C
17161 HD1 1063 TYR 3 HP 0.1150 1.0080 0.0000 H
17162 CE1 1063 TYR 3 CA -0.1150 12.0110 0.0000 C
17163 HE1 1063 TYR 3 HP 0.1150 1.0080 0.0000 H
17164 CZ 1063 TYR 3 CA 0.1100 12.0110 0.0000 C
17165 OH 1063 TYR 3 OH1 -0.5400 15.9990 0.0000 O
17166 HH 1063 TYR 3 H 0.4300 1.0080 0.0000 H
17167 CD2 1063 TYR 3 CA -0.1150 12.0110 0.0000 C
17168 HD2 1063 TYR 3 HP 0.1150 1.0080 0.0000 H
17169 CE2 1063 TYR 3 CA -0.1150 12.0110 0.0000 C
17170 HE2 1063 TYR 3 HP 0.1150 1.0080 0.0000 H
17171 C 1063 TYR 3 CC 0.3400 12.0110 0.0000 C
17172 OT1 1063 TYR 3 OC -0.6700 15.9990 0.0000 O
17173 OT2 1063 TYR 3 OC -0.6700 15.9990 0.0000 O
My N
atom is 17152
OK, so it turns out there is a mistake in the Warning message code. The actual atom that is missing in the C-terminal TYR is the O
atom, but the warning mistakenly reports the N
atom instead. This makes sense since this is a C-terminal residue, so I think you can safely ignore the warning. I will update the code to fix the mistaken report. Thanks!
Happy to contribute! :) Let me know if you want me to run tests or anything else!
Hi ,
I am trying to calculate the secondary structure of a protein using charmm36
When I run that script I get the following output
If Im not wrong, the error message for prolines is normal. However, is it normal the one for tyrosine? That tyrosyne is a C-terminal residue.
Thanks in advance!