AmberYYYYYYYY / Cuisine-Filter

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Feedback for Ver0.75 #3

Open DavidZtako opened 2 years ago

DavidZtako commented 2 years ago

Hi Amber, Feedback’s here :)

First of all, well down. The cuisine filter component is a well-developed mapping tool for food trips around a selected site. I can see your passion through these highly organized works.

Here are some of my comments and questions for your component:

  1. The time filter is pretty interesting. I think sorting cuisines by opening hours is not an easy thing and you did it really well. {KRE9U_)MY)BW1$MR8GYW7J

  2. Diagrams help explain specific site conditions (like the percentage of different types of open cuisines on time).

  3. I think the path from a customized start point to a selected cuisine would be good to know (And you already start working on it, so never mind).

  4. Question: The closest cuisine doesn’t change while moving the start point I’m using ‘Italian Cuisine’ to test this component, but the closest cuisine doesn’t be sorted while the start point moves to different positions.

I. My understanding of how the closest cuisine component works 89CJQ1(U UU2Z7F0D _6OAX

II. The closest cuisine is not moving with different positions of the start point.



As good as always, Cheers!


AmberYYYYYYYY commented 2 years ago

Hi David,

Thanks for all these comments !I am really glad you like it :) And about the question: The closest cuisine doesn't change while moving the start point t: The first thing is the navigation didn't point out the closest cuisine point but the closest food court (contain minimum 5 Italian restaurants in the area), so it won't point to a region that seems to have many Italian cuisines but don't form a food court. And I think it might be because data didn't link to the correct component? The right link shows in figure 1: 135703146-39497965-0307-4ef6-88ce-c94372df59db And if it still doesn't work could you plz sent me your changed GH file and the OSM file? And also, what is the time you set on the maps? I will try to figure out if there are some BUG about this function! Thank you again!

