We'll use adex-adview-manager as a dependency, since the targeting/rules matching engine will be implemented in there.
We'll provide the input variables to it, and it will output the result, which we'll use:
to determine the price, replacing AIP6
if show is false, return HTTP error code in the 4xx range (undecided which; either 400 or we'll come up with our own; just ensure that Cloudflare analytics record custom err codes; else we can use 409 Conflict)
repurpose the event to change AIP6 rules to be used to change targeting rules
see https://github.com/AdExNetwork/aips/issues/31
We'll use adex-adview-manager as a dependency, since the targeting/rules matching engine will be implemented in there.
We'll provide the input variables to it, and it will output the result, which we'll use:
is false, return HTTP error code in the 4xx range (undecided which; either 400 or we'll come up with our own; just ensure that Cloudflare analytics record custom err codes; else we can use 409 Conflict)Furthermore: