AmboVent-1690-108 / AmboVent

AmboVent 1690.108
The Unlicense
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Add GitHub workflow to compile controller code in CI #25

Open synergiator opened 4 years ago

synergiator commented 4 years ago

Using for example Arduino CLI, it's possible to validate code compilation online without having the actual board.

See also:

ElectricRCAircraftGuy commented 4 years ago

@giorakor @nimrod46 , do you know how to do this? I think there may be an option under "Actions" at the top, for instance, to tell GitHub to auto-compile each PR that is submitted to make sure the Arduino code isn't broken. This is what you're saying, @synergiator , right?

synergiator commented 4 years ago

Yes. By this, we get also more clarity about required dependencies and their versions.

labeneator commented 4 years ago

This looks like a good place to start: