AmboVent-1690-108 / AmboVent

AmboVent 1690.108
The Unlicense
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Code Formatting: don't use long same-line comments; use the line above #33

Open ElectricRCAircraftGuy opened 4 years ago

ElectricRCAircraftGuy commented 4 years ago

This is a sub-issue of #11. Don't close #11 until all sub-issues are resolved.

I will help with this; just want to teach the principle too is all.

Instead of:

#define insp_pressure_default 40  // defualt value - hold this pressure while breathing - the value is changed if INSP_Pressure
                                  // potentiometer is inatalled


/// Default value - hold this pressure while breathing - the value is changed if 
/// INSP_Pressure potentiometer is installed

Notice I also add doxygen comments ///, and change the constant to all caps. Limit your max column width, or "ruler" as it is frequently called, to 100 chars.

ElectricRCAircraftGuy commented 4 years ago

The clang-format autoformatter really doesn't like these long lines. You'll see once I get it pushed. See the email I sent you @nimrod46 and @giorakor so I can know how you want me to push changes.

ElectricRCAircraftGuy commented 4 years ago

PR #46 resolves a tiny portion of this issue