Amebis / eduVPN

Windows eduVPN Client
GNU General Public License v3.0
39 stars 17 forks source link

error upgrading to 3.2 #205

Closed ghost closed 1 year ago

ghost commented 1 year ago

Starting with 3.1.8 and trying to install 3.2 over it. I also noticed this behavior when 3.1.8 offered auto update to 3.2.


[1898:0A74][2022-07-19T10:51:29]i001: Burn v3.14.0.5722, Windows v10.0 (Build 19044: Service Pack 0), path: C:\Users\fkooman\AppData\Local\Temp\{770B20E6-3783-4A63-AE8C-BD771A83AC94}\.cr\eduVPNClient_3.2.exe
[1898:0A74][2022-07-19T10:51:29]i000: Initializing numeric variable 'AddDesktopShortcut' to value '1'
[1898:0A74][2022-07-19T10:51:29]i000: Initializing string variable 'LaunchTarget' to value '[ProgramFiles6432Folder]eduVPN\Core\eduVPN.Client.exe'
[1898:0A74][2022-07-19T10:51:29]i009: Command Line: '\Users\fkooman\Downloads\eduVPNClient_3.2.exe -burn.filehandle.attached=548 -burn.filehandle.self=668'
[1898:0A74][2022-07-19T10:51:29]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleOriginalSource' to value 'C:\Users\fkooman\Downloads\eduVPNClient_3.2.exe'
[1898:0A74][2022-07-19T10:51:29]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleOriginalSourceFolder' to value 'C:\Users\fkooman\Downloads\'
[1898:0A74][2022-07-19T10:51:29]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleLog' to value 'C:\Users\fkooman\AppData\Local\Temp\eduVPN Client_3.2_20220719105129.log'
[1898:0A74][2022-07-19T10:51:29]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleName' to value 'eduVPN Client 3.2'
[1898:0A74][2022-07-19T10:51:29]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleManufacturer' to value 'SURF'
[1898:0D18][2022-07-19T10:51:29]i000: Setting numeric variable 'WixStdBALanguageId' to value 1033
[1898:0D18][2022-07-19T10:51:29]i000: Setting version variable 'WixBundleFileVersion' to value ''
[1898:0A74][2022-07-19T10:51:30]i100: Detect begin, 4 packages
[1898:0A74][2022-07-19T10:51:30]i000: Setting string variable 'NETFRAMEWORK45' to value '528372'
[1898:0A74][2022-07-19T10:51:30]i000: Setting numeric variable 'UserRegKeyExist' to value 1
[1898:0A74][2022-07-19T10:51:30]i052: Condition 'UserRegKeyExist' evaluates to true.
[1898:0A74][2022-07-19T10:51:30]i000: Setting numeric variable 'AddDesktopShortcut' to value 1
[1898:0A74][2022-07-19T10:51:30]i102: Detected related bundle: {4072134e-42cf-4e81-abd1-83ca06ecb8d7}, type: Upgrade, scope: PerMachine, version:, operation: MajorUpgrade
[1898:0A74][2022-07-19T10:51:30]i052: Condition 'NETFRAMEWORK45 >= 528040' evaluates to true.
[1898:0A74][2022-07-19T10:51:30]i103: Detected related package: {40BD9BF1-6C81-4E8E-8400-1FC908539B15}, scope: PerMachine, version:, language: 0 operation: MajorUpgrade
[1898:0A74][2022-07-19T10:51:30]i103: Detected related package: {40BD9BF1-6C81-4E8E-8400-1FC908539B15}, scope: PerMachine, version:, language: 0 operation: MajorUpgrade
[1898:0A74][2022-07-19T10:51:30]i101: Detected package: NetFx48Redist, state: Present, cached: None
[1898:0A74][2022-07-19T10:51:30]i101: Detected package: eduVPNClient_x86, state: Absent, cached: None
[1898:0A74][2022-07-19T10:51:30]i101: Detected package: eduVPNClient_x64, state: Absent, cached: None
[1898:0A74][2022-07-19T10:51:30]i101: Detected package: eduVPNClient_ARM64, state: Absent, cached: None
[1898:0A74][2022-07-19T10:51:30]i199: Detect complete, result: 0x0
[1898:0D18][2022-07-19T10:51:32]i000: Setting numeric variable 'EulaAcceptCheckbox' to value 0
[1898:0D18][2022-07-19T10:51:32]i000: Setting numeric variable 'AddDesktopShortcut' to value 1
[1898:0A74][2022-07-19T10:51:32]i200: Plan begin, 4 packages, action: Install
[1898:0A74][2022-07-19T10:51:32]w321: Skipping dependency registration on package with no dependency providers: NetFx48Redist
[1898:0A74][2022-07-19T10:51:32]i052: Condition 'NOT VersionNT64' evaluates to false.
[1898:0A74][2022-07-19T10:51:32]i052: Condition 'NativeMachine = 34404 OR VersionNT64 AND NOT NativeMachine' evaluates to true.
[1898:0A74][2022-07-19T10:51:32]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleRollbackLog_eduVPNClient_x64' to value 'C:\Users\fkooman\AppData\Local\Temp\eduVPN Client_3.2_20220719105129_000_eduVPNClient_x64_rollback.log'
[1898:0A74][2022-07-19T10:51:32]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleLog_eduVPNClient_x64' to value 'C:\Users\fkooman\AppData\Local\Temp\eduVPN Client_3.2_20220719105129_000_eduVPNClient_x64.log'
[1898:0A74][2022-07-19T10:51:32]i052: Condition 'NativeMachine = 43620' evaluates to false.
[1898:0A74][2022-07-19T10:51:32]i201: Planned package: NetFx48Redist, state: Present, default requested: Present, ba requested: Present, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
[1898:0A74][2022-07-19T10:51:32]i201: Planned package: eduVPNClient_x86, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
[1898:0A74][2022-07-19T10:51:32]i201: Planned package: eduVPNClient_x64, state: Absent, default requested: Present, ba requested: Present, execute: Install, rollback: Uninstall, cache: Yes, uncache: No, dependency: Register
[1898:0A74][2022-07-19T10:51:32]i201: Planned package: eduVPNClient_ARM64, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
[1898:0A74][2022-07-19T10:51:32]i207: Planned related bundle: {4072134e-42cf-4e81-abd1-83ca06ecb8d7}, type: Upgrade, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: Uninstall, rollback: Install, dependency: None
[1898:0A74][2022-07-19T10:51:32]i299: Plan complete, result: 0x0
[1898:0A74][2022-07-19T10:51:32]i300: Apply begin
[1898:0A74][2022-07-19T10:51:32]i010: Launching elevated engine process.
[1898:0A74][2022-07-19T10:51:36]i011: Launched elevated engine process.
[1898:0A74][2022-07-19T10:51:36]i012: Connected to elevated engine.
[0E80:0E0C][2022-07-19T10:51:37]i358: Pausing automatic updates.
[0E80:0E0C][2022-07-19T10:51:37]i359: Paused automatic updates.
[0E80:0E0C][2022-07-19T10:51:37]i360: Creating a system restore point.
[0E80:0E0C][2022-07-19T10:51:37]w363: Could not create system restore point, error: 0x80070422. Continuing...
[0E80:0E0C][2022-07-19T10:51:37]i370: Session begin, registration key: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{53fb0b54-ab67-437c-9e29-5ed0bb201e00}, options: 0x7, disable resume: No
[0E80:0E0C][2022-07-19T10:51:37]i000: Caching bundle from: 'C:\Users\fkooman\AppData\Local\Temp\{24D15A08-5DCC-49E5-B48F-9E50A2C5F372}\.be\eduVPNClient_3.2.exe' to: 'C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{53fb0b54-ab67-437c-9e29-5ed0bb201e00}\eduVPNClient_3.2.exe'
[0E80:0E0C][2022-07-19T10:51:37]i320: Registering bundle dependency provider: {53fb0b54-ab67-437c-9e29-5ed0bb201e00}, version:
[0E80:0E0C][2022-07-19T10:51:37]i371: Updating session, registration key: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{53fb0b54-ab67-437c-9e29-5ed0bb201e00}, resume: Active, restart initiated: No, disable resume: No
[0E80:0FC0][2022-07-19T10:51:38]i305: Verified acquired payload: eduVPNClient_x64 at path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\.unverified\eduVPNClient_x64, moving to: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{8835FB7C-99C2-426F-9200-3D866F62A1D6}v3.2\eduVPNClient_3.2_x64.msi.
[0E80:0E0C][2022-07-19T10:51:38]i323: Registering package dependency provider: {8835FB7C-99C2-426F-9200-3D866F62A1D6}, version: 3.2, package: eduVPNClient_x64
[0E80:0E0C][2022-07-19T10:51:38]i301: Applying execute package: eduVPNClient_x64, action: Install, path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{8835FB7C-99C2-426F-9200-3D866F62A1D6}v3.2\eduVPNClient_3.2_x64.msi, arguments: ' ARPSYSTEMCOMPONENT="1" MSIFASTINSTALL="7" AddDesktopShortcut="1"'
[0E80:0E0C][2022-07-19T10:51:54]e000: Error 0x80070643: Failed to install MSI package.
[0E80:0E0C][2022-07-19T10:51:54]e000: Error 0x80070643: Failed to execute MSI package.
[1898:0A74][2022-07-19T10:51:54]e000: Error 0x80070643: Failed to configure per-machine MSI package.
[1898:0A74][2022-07-19T10:51:54]i319: Applied execute package: eduVPNClient_x64, result: 0x80070643, restart: None
[1898:0A74][2022-07-19T10:51:54]e000: Error 0x80070643: Failed to execute MSI package.
[0E80:0E0C][2022-07-19T10:51:54]i318: Skipped rollback of package: eduVPNClient_x64, action: Uninstall, already: Absent
[1898:0A74][2022-07-19T10:51:54]i319: Applied rollback package: eduVPNClient_x64, result: 0x0, restart: None
[0E80:0E0C][2022-07-19T10:51:54]i329: Removed package dependency provider: {8835FB7C-99C2-426F-9200-3D866F62A1D6}, package: eduVPNClient_x64
[0E80:0E0C][2022-07-19T10:51:54]i351: Removing cached package: eduVPNClient_x64, from path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{8835FB7C-99C2-426F-9200-3D866F62A1D6}v3.2\
[0E80:0E0C][2022-07-19T10:51:54]i329: Removed package dependency provider: {8835FB7C-99C2-426F-9200-3D866F62A1D6}, package: eduVPNClient_x86
[0E80:0E0C][2022-07-19T10:51:54]i372: Session end, registration key: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{53fb0b54-ab67-437c-9e29-5ed0bb201e00}, resume: None, restart: None, disable resume: No
[0E80:0E0C][2022-07-19T10:51:54]i330: Removed bundle dependency provider: {53fb0b54-ab67-437c-9e29-5ed0bb201e00}
[0E80:0E0C][2022-07-19T10:51:54]i352: Removing cached bundle: {53fb0b54-ab67-437c-9e29-5ed0bb201e00}, from path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{53fb0b54-ab67-437c-9e29-5ed0bb201e00}\
[0E80:0E0C][2022-07-19T10:51:54]i371: Updating session, registration key: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{53fb0b54-ab67-437c-9e29-5ed0bb201e00}, resume: None, restart initiated: No, disable resume: No
[1898:0A74][2022-07-19T10:51:54]i399: Apply complete, result: 0x80070643, restart: None, ba requested restart:  No
ghost commented 1 year ago

The workaround that worked for now: delete C:\Program Files\eduVPN folder, which is not so easy as it is owned by "SYSTEM" and thus can't be deleted normally, you have to use "Shift+right click and choose Remove"

This problem is probably related to #201

ghost commented 1 year ago
  1. Remove the eduVPN application through "Settings" -> "Apps" (if it is still installed);
  2. Reboot Windows
  3. Go to "Explorer" and navigate to C:\Program Files;
  4. Hold and keep holding Shift and right click on eduVPN, then choose Delete, make sure the eduVPN folder has been removed;
  5. Install eduVPN 3.2
ghost commented 1 year ago

Okay, that doesn't work once you connect using WireGuard, then the log file becomes undeletable:

C:\Windows\system32>rd /S /Q "c:\Program Files\eduVPN"
c:\Program Files\eduVPN\WIREGU~1\config\log.bin - Access is denied.

(This is running cmd as administrator!)

ghost commented 1 year ago

It seems removing files as much as possible is good enough to make the installer work again...

efef commented 1 year ago

When reading the MSI installer log, it looks like there is a permission issue with C:\Program Files\eduVPN\OpenVPN\config

eduVPN Client_3.2_20220719115251_000_eduVPNClient_x64.log

efef commented 1 year ago

Looks like a workaround for the upgrade problem from 3.1.8 to 3.2 is: -open Command Prompt as Administrator user -type: del "\Program Files\eduVPN\OpenVPN\config"

for most users it will also work by just deleting the \Program Files\eduVPN\OpenVPN\config via Windows Explorer

I don't see a need to first deinstall the eduVPN client

ghost commented 1 year ago

There is a pre-release that should fix this:

yyanhan commented 3 months ago

Hi I'm facing the same issue.

my solution is to install the latest .msi file, and it can be found in C:\Program Files\eduVPN\Core, just run the eduVPN.Client.exe file.

perhaps still need to uninstall the eduVPN in Windows Settings->Apps before install.

This may caused by the administrator mode in folder C:\Program Files\. But I have no idea how to solve the administrator mode on windows. But anyway, this can be solved by using msi file.

rozmansi commented 3 months ago

Nice. Just few words of caution…

  1. If you ever used EXE installer, uninstall it, if you are switching to MSI installers (also applies to winget). EXE and MSI installers don't work properly when exchanged without being removed first. When uninstalling, make sure C:\Program Files\eduVPN is gone too, before reinstalling EXE/MSI.

  2. If you used EXE installer, the eduVPN client app will offer self-updates. If you are on MSI, the self-update is disabled.

  3. MSI packages are intended for Group Policy, Microsoft Intune, SCCM, winget and similar channels to install packages on managed computers. They may be installed manually thou (warning: they don't have any GUI by design).