Amebis / eduVPN

Windows eduVPN Client
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Wireguard and Windows: Crash during connection breaks network connectivity #207

Closed JsBergbau closed 1 year ago

JsBergbau commented 1 year ago

When using the new Wireguard feature and a system crash occurs while connected network connectivity of the whole system is lost. Only solution is to uninstall eduVPN.

Stept to reproduce:

  1. Install letsconnect VPN client, authorize your connection. Then reboot system normally to ensure everything is written to disk.

  2. Then connect via eduVPN and suddenly cut power.

  3. Power on again. Verify internet connection. It is still working. Now open Lets connect. It crashes/closes immediately, open it again. Now connect again. Internet connection is now broken.

Depending on your route configuration step 2 and 3 maybe done again. But at some point connection will be broken.

Routes are still after reboot there, check with route print. Solution: Uninstall Letsconnect and install it again. Remember this issue to manually delete the remains before you can install it again.

This is very bad because you require admin privileges. Which is very challenging for remote workes because you can't connect via TeamViewer and you don't want to give your employees your admin PW.

I think main problem is because Wireguard routes remain after reboot and that blocks internet access and without getting internet access / connection routes are not removed.