Ameobea / orange3

Orange 3 data mining suite:
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Daily Progress Updates #11

Closed ameo-unito-bot closed 8 years ago

ameo-unito-bot commented 8 years ago

┆Issue is synchronized with this Asana task

Ameobea commented 8 years ago

Instead of digging a deeper hole by creating more code generators for more widgets that I may not yet fully understand, I spent some time optimizing the widgets I already have code generators for per the recommendations of @kernc. I am sticking with the current code generator format for now because I honestly believe it is a good way to solve the problem and will work to better tweak it to suit the needs of the project, but will drop it and change to something else if necessary.

I wrote about the changes I made to owpreprocessor here:

In both the project proposal and some comments to previous update threads it was mentioned that perhaps an external plotting library such as matplotlib should be used for the scatter plots and other visualizations. Aside from certainly adding on a considerable amount of code to the project and taking a long time to implement, it would also cut into the selection functionality of the scatter plot and similar visualization widgets where selected data is sent as an output.

I propose actually using the native Orange scatterplot and other interactive visualizations and working with them as widget objects rather than re-doing it all from scratch. However, if it is decided that an external plotting library should be used, I'll work on implementing that. @Pelonza