Largest popularity increase in this period of time
If true, the change is calculated as a percentage of total popularity. If false, the absolute change amount is used instead.
Min Time Amount
Only used if relative is true. Only assets that have a popularity of this amount will be considered in relative popularity calculations. (If you have a stock with 5 popularity and it goes down to 4, that looks like a 20% popularity change. This filters those out.)
Maybe an endpoint like /popularity_changes/increase/[symbol]/[duration]/[limit], or duration and limit could be optional query params with defaults.
is true. Only assets that have a popularity of this amount will be considered in relative popularity calculations. (If you have a stock with 5 popularity and it goes down to 4, that looks like a 20% popularity change. This filters those out.)Maybe an endpoint like
, or duration and limit could be optional query params with defaults.