AmericaSCORESBayArea / AmericaScores-CoachApp

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update node to LTS (20.11.0) version and test #442

Closed CritiqalPete closed 5 months ago

CritiqalPete commented 6 months ago

it's time to address some of the warnings that appear updating npm and during build. This task is to evaluate updating to node @ LTS and npm to latest. Steps: see

  1. npm install -g n (use sudo to install n at root)
  2. n to check the version of node (at this time 20.11.0)
  3. n lts to install the LTS version of node
  4. n prune
  5. delete node_modules and package-lock.json
  6. npm install
  7. build and test Report results in comments. After review we should identify further dependencies to test. Eventually update the readme with a reliable update process (like the above) and current supported versions.
CritiqalPete commented 6 months ago

output from npm install: (@v9.6.3) npm WARN deprecated deep-assign@3.0.0: Check out lodash.merge or merge-options instead. npm WARN deprecated @npmcli/move-file@1.1.2: This functionality has been moved to @npmcli/fs npm WARN deprecated @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-catch-binding@7.18.6: This proposal has been merged to the ECMAScript standard and thus this plugin is no longer maintained. Please use @babel/plugin-transform-optional-catch-binding instead. npm WARN deprecated @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties@7.18.6: This proposal has been merged to the ECMAScript standard and thus this plugin is no longer maintained. Please use @babel/plugin-transform-class-properties instead. npm WARN deprecated @babel/plugin-proposal-nullish-coalescing-operator@7.18.6: This proposal has been merged to the ECMAScript standard and thus this plugin is no longer maintained. Please use @babel/plugin-transform-nullish-coalescing-operator instead. npm WARN deprecated @babel/plugin-proposal-numeric-separator@7.18.6: This proposal has been merged to the ECMAScript standard and thus this plugin is no longer maintained. Please use @babel/plugin-transform-numeric-separator instead. npm WARN deprecated @babel/plugin-proposal-export-namespace-from@7.18.9: This proposal has been merged to the ECMAScript standard and thus this plugin is no longer maintained. Please use @babel/plugin-transform-export-namespace-from instead. npm WARN deprecated @babel/plugin-proposal-async-generator-functions@7.20.7: This proposal has been merged to the ECMAScript standard and thus this plugin is no longer maintained. Please use @babel/plugin-transform-async-generator-functions instead. npm WARN deprecated @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining@7.21.0: This proposal has been merged to the ECMAScript standard and thus this plugin is no longer maintained. Please use @babel/plugin-transform-optional-chaining instead. npm WARN deprecated @babel/plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread@7.20.7: This proposal has been merged to the ECMAScript standard and thus this plugin is no longer maintained. Please use @babel/plugin-transform-object-rest-spread instead. npm WARN deprecated uuid@3.4.0: Please upgrade to version 7 or higher. Older versions may use Math.random() in certain circumstances, which is known to be problematic. See for details. npm WARN deprecated uglify-es@3.3.9: support for ECMAScript is superseded by uglify-js as of v3.13.0 npm WARN deprecated @react-native-community/async-storage@1.12.1: Async Storage has moved to new organization: npm WARN deprecated core-js@1.2.7: core-js@<3.23.3 is no longer maintained and not recommended for usage due to the number of issues. Because of the V8 engine whims, feature detection in old core-js versions could cause a slowdown up to 100x even if nothing is polyfilled. Some versions have web compatibility issues. Please, upgrade your dependencies to the actual version of core-js. Build passes (again npm here is v9.6.3 not the target )

CritiqalPete commented 6 months ago

@nglover53 I think this is ready to review and close. Node at 20.11.0 (and npm at v9.6.3) builds and runs.

CritiqalPete commented 5 months ago

PASSED as of In Release 20.5