AmericaSCORESBayArea / student-registration

Student families need to easily access their records and waivers at least once per year. This service needs to be paper-free, secure, and reliable... and a future standard for school districts and youth-focused nonprofits/volunteer organizations. Interfaces with Mulesoft API's and Salesforce.
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[Families] Option to select or create sibling records at the beginning or after submitting #173

Open CritiqalPete opened 3 years ago

CritiqalPete commented 3 years ago

Some families have sibling participants. These are accommodated in two ways:

  1. After logging in, 100% of Family users will see a list of their registered students
  2. The Family user can select from the list to edit/update
  3. The Family user can choose ADD A STUDENT to see a new, blank record, with family information pre-populated
  4. The Submit Button has two varieties:
    • Submit and Add Another Student
    • Submit and Done
  5. The option to Add Another Student is same as step 3, after confirming the current record is created.
  6. If Add Another is selected, the name of the previously created Student appears at the top to help the user remember what they have completed.