Student families need to easily access their records and waivers at least once per year. This service needs to be paper-free, secure, and reliable... and a future standard for school districts and youth-focused nonprofits/volunteer organizations. Interfaces with Mulesoft API's and Salesforce.
[x] addition to Waiver
Responsibility Agreement, Waiver and Release
I hereby consent that my son/daughter participate in the above-referenced activity, and I hereby execute the above Agreement, Waiver, and Release on their behalf. I state that said minor is physically able to participate in said activity. I hereby agree to indemnify and hold the District (including its officers, employees, volunteers, and agents) free and harmless from any loss, liability, damage, cost, or expense which may arise out of or connected in any way with said minor's participation in said activity.
Acuerdo de responsabilidad, renuncia y liberación
Por la presente doy mi consentimiento para que mi hijo/hija participe en la actividad mencionada anteriormente, y por la presente ejecuto el Acuerdo, la Renuncia y la Liberación anteriores en su nombre. Declaro que el estudiante está físicamente apto para participar en la actividad. Por la presente acepto indemnizar y mantener al Distrito (incluidos sus funcionarios, empleados, voluntarios y agentes) libre e indemne de cualquier pérdida, responsabilidad, daño, costo o gasto que pueda surgir o estar relacionado de alguna manera con la participación del estudiante en la actividad.
[x] Delete the question: Select Permission to Commute Alone
[x] "Reduced Price Lunch"* should be changed to "Does your child receive Free or Reduced Price Lunch"
[x] Coach|Parent option should have "Are you a" above it
Some minor changes requested by program:
[x] change "existing" to "returning" student
[x] addition to Waiver Responsibility Agreement, Waiver and Release I hereby consent that my son/daughter participate in the above-referenced activity, and I hereby execute the above Agreement, Waiver, and Release on their behalf. I state that said minor is physically able to participate in said activity. I hereby agree to indemnify and hold the District (including its officers, employees, volunteers, and agents) free and harmless from any loss, liability, damage, cost, or expense which may arise out of or connected in any way with said minor's participation in said activity. Acuerdo de responsabilidad, renuncia y liberación Por la presente doy mi consentimiento para que mi hijo/hija participe en la actividad mencionada anteriormente, y por la presente ejecuto el Acuerdo, la Renuncia y la Liberación anteriores en su nombre. Declaro que el estudiante está físicamente apto para participar en la actividad. Por la presente acepto indemnizar y mantener al Distrito (incluidos sus funcionarios, empleados, voluntarios y agentes) libre e indemne de cualquier pérdida, responsabilidad, daño, costo o gasto que pueda surgir o estar relacionado de alguna manera con la participación del estudiante en la actividad.
[x] Delete the question: Select Permission to Commute Alone
[x] "Reduced Price Lunch"* should be changed to "Does your child receive Free or Reduced Price Lunch"
[x] Coach|Parent option should have "Are you a" above it