I am having difficulty loading restricted-use HSLS data onto a secured computer. When I was on a different restricted license for the same data in the past, I loaded files that ended in .sav (SPSS).
Cache corrupt, attempting to reread the data.
Error in value[[3L]]cond :
Unable to process HSLS data. Possible file corruption with source data. Error message: Error in readRDS(cacheFileInfo$cacheMetaFilepath): unknown input format
Do you know what could be going on? I cannot paste my sessionInfo() as I am working from a restricted computer. Thanks.
I am having difficulty loading restricted-use HSLS data onto a secured computer. When I was on a different restricted license for the same data in the past, I loaded files that ended in .sav (SPSS).
I just downloaded the data from the disc for the new license that I'm on, and all the data end in .sav7bdat (SAS).
I try to load the restricted-use data in this way:
I am getting the following error message:
Cache corrupt, attempting to reread the data. Error in value[[3L]]cond : Unable to process HSLS data. Possible file corruption with source data. Error message: Error in readRDS(cacheFileInfo$cacheMetaFilepath): unknown input format
Do you know what could be going on? I cannot paste my
as I am working from a restricted computer. Thanks.