The readPISA() function does not seem to work specifically for the 2012 study, although it works for 2009 and 2015 and others. Maybe the files have been altered at the source (OECD)?
I get the same error whether i 1) set cache=T in the downloadPISA function or 2) download the data with cache=F and then attempting to load the data with readPISA():
Missing PISA Datafile(s) (INT database) in the path ‘C:/ILSA_DATA/PISA/2012’
The readPISA() function does not seem to work specifically for the 2012 study, although it works for 2009 and 2015 and others. Maybe the files have been altered at the source (OECD)?
I get the same error whether i 1) set cache=T in the downloadPISA function or 2) download the data with cache=F and then attempting to load the data with readPISA():
Missing PISA Datafile(s) (INT database) in the path ‘C:/ILSA_DATA/PISA/2012’
Reproducible example: