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Weights used in the mix function #6

Closed Yingyan-Wu closed 1 year ago

Yingyan-Wu commented 1 year ago

I was wondering how to set the lower level weights if we have higher level weights and we are not expecting the lower level weights to be different.

More specifically, the data structure I'm currently dealing with is that it's a longitudinal dataset where multiple observations are nested in each participant and sampling weights existed for participant level. In terms of taking the sampling weights into account and since we want the observation to represent one observation within the participant, I set the lower weight (observation level) to be 1s. I'm wondering if this is the correct way to deal with the problem.

Let me know if anything needs to be clarified. Thank you in advance.

pdbailey0 commented 1 year ago

@Yingyan-Wu I would use the cWeights=TRUE argument and a set of weights set to one. What that does is make the weights conditional on the higher-level weights. So a weight of one gives the unit the same weight as level-two group (which is the same as making them certainty units).

Here is an example using PISA data where I use cWeights=TRUE and make a variable named one that is always one.


#read in data 
downloadPISA("~/", year=2012)
cntl <- readPISA("~/PISA/2012", countries="USA")
data <- getData(cntl,c("schoolid","pv1math","st29q03","sc14q02","st04q01",
                omittedLevels=FALSE, addAttributes=FALSE)

# Remove NA and omitted Levels
om <- c("Invalid", "N/A", "Missing", "Miss", NA, "(Missing)")
for (i in 1:ncol(data)) {
  data <- data[!data[,i] %in% om,]

#relevel factors for model 
data$st29q03 <- relevel(data$st29q03, ref="Strongly agree")
data$sc14q02 <- relevel(data$sc14q02, ref="Not at all")

m1 <- mix(pv1math ~ st29q03 + sc14q02 +st04q01+escs+ (1|schoolid), data=data, 
          weights=c("one", "w_fschwt"), cWeights=TRUE)

# Call:
# mix(formula = pv1math ~ st29q03 + sc14q02 + st04q01 + escs + 
#     (1 | schoolid), data = data, weights = c("one", "w_fschwt"), 
#     cWeights = TRUE)
# Variance terms:
#  Level    Group        Name Variance Std. Error Std.Dev.
#      2 schoolid (Intercept)     1095      264.1    33.08
#      1 Residual                 5114      202.7    71.51
# Groups:
#  Level    Group n size mean wgt sum wgt
#      2 schoolid    157    192.1   30161
#      1      Obs   3136    143.9  451370
# Fixed Effects:
#                          Estimate Std. Error t value
# (Intercept)               494.942      7.047  70.231
# st29q03Agree              -23.922      7.200  -3.322
# st29q03Disagree           -26.202      6.294  -4.163
# st29q03Strongly disagree  -55.030     12.336  -4.461
# sc14q02Very little        -18.374     14.030  -1.310
# sc14q02To some extent     -10.597     13.295  -0.797
# sc14q02A lot              -25.308      7.997  -3.165
# st04q01Male                12.286      3.720   3.303
# escs                       28.726      2.561  11.218
# lnl= -2587214.68 
# Intraclass Correlation= 0.1763 

I hope that helps!