Learner Support Roles need access to the Auditor Tool.
Auditor tool only functions on root OU (6606) page. Learner Support roles need access to this page; adding them to multiple schools will drop them on to 6606 by default providing access to this tool.
Learner Support Classes include:
courses.course_name like '%eng%essentials%' -- EAL support class in HS
courses.course_name like 'eng%foundations%' -- EAL support class in HS
cc.course_number like%olea` -- Learning Support classes in HS
courses.sched_department in('mseal', 'mslsc', 'hsse', 'msse') -- MS EAL, MS Learning Support, M/HS Special Education
To Do:
[x] Create LS School
[x] Run LS School through IPSIS
[x] Create Query that pulls LS teachers into LS School
[x] Update Query for auditor relationships (07_u_s_active)
[x] verify tool works as expected with appropriate students
[x] Train teachers to use tool
[ ] solve providing auditor relationships to students that are not registered in a learner support class
Learner Support Roles need access to the Auditor Tool.
Auditor tool only functions on root OU (6606) page. Learner Support roles need access to this page; adding them to multiple schools will drop them on to 6606 by default providing access to this tool.
Learner Support Classes include:
courses.course_name like '%eng%essentials%'
-- EAL support class in HScourses.course_name like 'eng%foundations%'
-- EAL support class in HScc.course_number like
%olea` -- Learning Support classes in HScourses.sched_department in('mseal', 'mslsc', 'hsse', 'msse')
-- MS EAL, MS Learning Support, M/HS Special EducationTo Do: