AmericanWhitewater / wh2o-vue

Interactive map and guide for whitewater rivers in North America
9 stars 1 forks source link

Cache Image Redirects #552

Open jeffpatzer opened 11 months ago

jeffpatzer commented 11 months ago

Hi Team

I haven't gone deeper in the API responses, but looks like most of the images, especially in the gallery issue 302s that are not cached. This introduces about 150-300ms of delay for every image. So even if the browser has those cached, it still has to wait on the 302 to be served and loads "slow". Can you configure Cloudflare to cache your 302's or at least do the URL rewrites on the CDN to avoid serving different URLs that need to send rewrites?


Before browser cached images


After browser cached images


Happy to help trouble shoot further as needed!
