AmericasWater / awash

America's Water AWASH Model
GNU General Public License v3.0
4 stars 6 forks source link

Make allcrops a vector of strings #85

Closed jrising closed 6 years ago

jrising commented 6 years ago

Fixes a bug on Windows.

lucbonnafous commented 6 years ago

Hey, thanks a lot. So now I get an error from line 69 in Market.jl: crop_information(allcrops, crop_prices, 0, warnonmiss=true). The error is the following: MethodError: no method matching crop_information(::Array{String,1}, ::Dict{String,Float64}, ::Int64; warnonmiss=true)WARNING: Error showing method candidates, aborted

When you ran on windows, was it smooth? Should I just restore the default version of libraries?

lucbonnafous commented 6 years ago

Ok, so now things run, but the reservoirs are useless (captures is all zero, so back at where I was before except I don't have to run stuff before)