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Scrolling with the mouse-wheel not possible in AB 3.9.3 #41

Closed theotheoderich closed 2 years ago

theotheoderich commented 2 years ago

WinUAE JIT, Kick 3.1, A4000 Chipset, AGA AB3 Screen: PAL Super HighRes Interlace

honitos commented 2 years ago

Which scrolling? Direct in Source or using the slider gadgets?

Scrolling works for me with WinUAE using this configuration. There are no Tools in WBStartup.


theotheoderich commented 2 years ago

Mouse wheel is still not working here with AB 3.9.x when using it directly in the source code. With AB 3.8 scrolling with mouse wheel is fine....same WB installation. Tried different screenmodes for AB, but the result stays the same. WinUAE version here is 4.9.1 64-bit.

I am using the following WinUAE configuration: grafik grafik

btw.... Scrolling by using the slider in AB 3.9 works but it is uncomfortably compared to AB 3.8. In AB 3.8 you can click and hold down the slider. If you move the mouse/slider while holding the mousebutton down, then the source code screen will updated permantently, so you can see where are you scrolling. But in AB 3.9 the source code screen will only be updated if you release the mousebutton.

honitos commented 2 years ago

For the slider problem, I found a workaround, hopefully. So the scrolling works again while using the slider.

I can reproduce the non working scrolling with mosue wheel on AmigaOS3.1 - on AmigaOS3.2 it works well. => Do you have any commodities installed, relating mousewheel support?

theotheoderich commented 2 years ago

No, clean OS3.1 Installation + Picasso96.

honitos commented 2 years ago

I have absolutely no idea why this worked in AB3 V3.8 as Kick 3.1 does not has any mousewheel support and I do not know, what WinUAE does and what events are generated for the AmigaOS by WinUAE. It must have been a hack somewhere in the former asm code that I do not find.

It works if you install FreeWheel from Aminet:

Does the Wheel work in any other Amiga Program in your emulation ?

theotheoderich commented 2 years ago

Ok, i installed FreeWheel to my WinUAE environment. Now i can scroll the cursor in AB 3.9 using the mousewheel. But the behaviour of the scrolling is totaly different to AB 3.8.

In AB 3.9 the black text cursor is moving up or down when using the scroll wheel. It is possible to scroll up/down through the code, but it is very slow, because the cursor is moving line by line.

In AB 3.8 i can scroll 6 lines of code with moving the scroll wheel for one time (regardless of using FreeWheel or not) Perhaps i missed a AB setting to have i similar in both programs? It is difficult to explain...i made two short videos to show you the difference (same WB3.1 installation and same WinUAE settings):

"Does the Wheel work in any other Amiga Program in your emulation ?" --> sorry, i am using WinUAE only for AB and PPaint. Without FreeWheel the mouse wheel is not working in PPaint, with FreeWheel it is working. In AB 3.8 i can scroll through the lines regardless of using FreeWheel or not.

honitos commented 2 years ago

Ok, I try to investigate how this worked in V3.8.

But I intend to let to as the current implementation works as it is the "standard" way. You can change the scroll "size" in FreeWheel using some tooltypes. It convertes the wheel movement into cursor key presses.

By the way, nice font in the video. Which one is it?

theotheoderich commented 2 years ago

Topaz 9 with Super Highres Interlaced

honitos commented 2 years ago

This one is finally solved. The Problem occured after changing PEDs original eventloop from asm to basic. The internal blitzlib s"rawkeylib" did not support the propriate wheelp events introduced by "newmouse".

fixed with v3.9.4