AmiBlitz / AmiBlitz3

Complete package of AmiBlitz3 including all sources.
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Enforcer hit starting AB3 #44

Closed T0lk13n closed 2 years ago

T0lk13n commented 2 years ago

Executing AB3 it show the next Enforcer Hit in Amiga 1200 060 AOS3.2.1. MorphOS also showns a hit.

MuForce hit! Bad program!? 07-jul-22 18:55:04? LONG WRITE to 00000000 data=00000000 PC: 7874F38C? USP : 7884A7A8 SR: 0014 (U0)(-)(-) TCB: 7882B2D0? Data: 00000003 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000? Addr: 786140D8 00000000 7860C936 78DB3CE4 00000000 78443000 000051DC 781F2D74? Stck: 78744F80 781944EC 0001F400 416D6962 6C69747A 33000000 00036D68 1E17EA75? Stck: 4E55FFFC 48E7303A 286D0010 266D0014 4282244D 252C0004 2C79785F AD62204A Stck: 4EAEFFD0 20404A80 670000AE 22280004 20100680 7FE7FDDE 7614B680 65DA303B Stck: 0A064EFB 0002008A 0082007A 0072006A 0062005A 0052004A 0042FFD2 FFD2FFD2 ----> 7874F38C - "Amiblitz3" Hunk 0000 Offset 0002A17C ----> 78744F80 - "Amiblitz3" Hunk 0000 Offset 0001FD70 ----> 781944EC - "LDM - dos 47.30 (2.12.2021)" Hunk 0000 Offset 00000524 ----> 785FAD62 - "LIBS:wizard.library" Hunk 0001 Offset 0000038A PC-8: 82CE2F00 221F2C6D 80244EAE FFA660FF FFFFFDF8 7003222D 8304243C 00000000 PC : 21821990 202D82F8 223C0000 00014481 B08167FF 0000001A 202D82F8 4EB97873 7874f36a : 202d 82ce move.l -$7d32(a5),d0 7874f36e : 2f00 move.l d0,-(a7) 7874f370 : 221f move.l (a7)+,d1 7874f372 : 2c6d 8024 movea.l -$7fdc(a5),a6 7874f376 : 4eae ffa6 jsr -$5a(a6) 7874f37a : 60ff ffff fdf8 bra.l $7874f174 ;extended opcode 7874f380 : 7003 moveq.l #$3,d0 7874f382 : 222d 8304 move.l -$7cfc(a5),d1 7874f386 : 243c 0000 0000 move.l #$0,d2 7874f38c : 2182 1990 move.l d2,(za0,d1.l) ;extended opcode 7874f390 : 202d 82f8 move.l -$7d08(a5),d0 7874f394 : 223c 0000 0001 move.l #$1,d1 7874f39a : 4481 neg.l d1 7874f39c : b081 cmp.l d1,d0 7874f39e : 67ff 0000 001a beq.l $7874f3ba ;extended opcode 7874f3a4 : 202d 82f8 move.l -$7d08(a5),d0 7874f3a8 : 4eb9 7873 3342 jsr $78733342 Name: "Amiblitz3" Hunk 0000 Offset 0002A17C

honitos commented 2 years ago

solved with V3.9.5