AmigaNet / amigasource

The Amigasource web directory
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Baseline - review of the site #7

Open amigasource4000 opened 11 months ago

amigasource4000 commented 11 months ago

--perform initial review of the site to establish a prioritized list of needed/wanted tasks, broken into distinct phases, and figure out tentative timeline. this is most important baseline task

-- phase 1 (need) basic admin portal functions __ password protected __ streamed line interface for adding, editing & deleting links __ streamed line interface for adding, editing & deleting news articles __ create logic to check new links against existing entries __ will need sophisticated url parsing __ update search function: will be the number one function of the site! __ two modes simple (title & description) and advanced (get to pick fields and use logic and wildcards)

-- phase 2 (need) basic user functions __ submit a new link (ie from the home page) __ edit any link (all fields to include what category(s) it has been placed in) __ submit a news story (ie from the home page)

-- phase 3 (want) advanced admin portal functions __ editing of all tables without having to use phpmyadmin __ interview modual. allows the easy posting of interviews

-- phase 4 (want) additional site features. each one should be able to stand alone and its removal won't effect any other site feature __ user link ranking: allow users to rank a link so we can generate pages for the top 10 utilities or games... (currently a want but it should be a NEED!!)

-- phase 5 (would be an interesting idea) even more site features. varying in complexity. like above they should be able to stand alone __ a very simple forum __ pics section __ downloads section __ classified section __ basic user accounts: can sign in and create a profile. ____ can be used to control the above features (forumn, pics, etc...) ____ can be used to give a user certain admin approval functions such as adding a link or news story ____ users can create their own custom pages to include selected links and comments ____ allow users to commnet on a specific link

amigasource4000 commented 11 months ago

how in the world did i forget updating search in phase one? this should be the most important feature of the site!