AminBhst / brisk

Fast, multithreaded, cross-platform download manager
GNU General Public License v3.0
134 stars 13 forks source link

Build failure on Windows. Any thoughts on how to resolve? #44

Closed g40 closed 3 months ago

g40 commented 3 months ago

Thanks for the code. Great to have some real application examples.

With a fresh clone onto a Windows 10x64 22H2 machine I get the error shown below. Flutter/Dart are, I believe, the most recent releases.

Not sure if the referenced packages should be updated or not. Any advice appreciated.

R:\src\flutter\brisk>flutter --version
Flutter 3.22.1 • channel stable •
Framework • revision a14f74ff3a (13 days ago) • 2024-05-22 11:08:21 -0500
Engine • revision 55eae6864b
Tools • Dart 3.4.1 • DevTools 2.34.3

Build spew:

R:\src\flutter\brisk>flutter run
Resolving dependencies...
Downloading packages...
  _fe_analyzer_shared 67.0.0 (70.0.0 available)
  analyzer 6.4.1 (6.5.2 available)
  csv 5.1.1 (6.0.0 available)
  file_picker 6.2.1 (8.0.3 available)
  flutter_local_notifications 16.3.3 (17.1.2 available)
  hotkey_manager 0.1.8 (0.2.3 available)
  http 1.2.0 (1.2.1 available)
  intl 0.18.1 (0.19.0 available)
  launch_at_startup 0.2.2 (0.3.0 available)
  leak_tracker 10.0.4 (10.0.5 available)
  leak_tracker_flutter_testing 3.0.3 (3.0.5 available)
  material_color_utilities 0.8.0 (0.11.1 available)
  meta 1.12.0 (1.15.0 available)
  package_info_plus 5.0.1 (8.0.0 available)
  package_info_plus_platform_interface 2.0.1 (3.0.0 available)
  pluto_grid 7.0.2 (8.0.0 available)
  test_api 0.7.0 (0.7.2 available)
  url_launcher_web 2.2.3 (2.3.1 available)
  uuid 3.0.7 (4.4.0 available)
  vm_service 14.2.1 (14.2.3 available)
  web 0.4.2 (0.5.1 available)
  web_socket_channel 2.4.3 (3.0.0 available)
Got dependencies!
22 packages have newer versions incompatible with dependency constraints.
Try `flutter pub outdated` for more information.
Launching lib\main.dart on Windows in debug mode...
/C:/Users/moi/AppData/Local/Pub/Cache/hosted/,39): error GC2F972A8: The argument type 'RawKeyEvent' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'KeyEvent'. [R:\src\flutter\brisk\build\windows\x64\flutter\flutter_assemble.vcxproj]
/C:/Users/moi/AppData/Local/Pub/Cache/hosted/,46): error GC2F972A8: The argument type 'RawKeyboard' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'HardwareKeyboard'. [R:\src\flutter\brisk\build\windows\x64\flutter\flutter_assemble.vcxproj]
r:\vs2022\MSBuild\Microsoft\VC\v170\Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(254,5): error MSB8066: Custom build for 'R:\src\flutter\brisk\build\windows\x64\CMakeFiles\a82e6a928630805541b481720c052ab0\flutter_windows.dll.rule;R:\src\flutter\brisk\build\windows\x64\CMakeFiles\37bba2b750860eb356cc77762b01f89c\flutter_assemble.rule;R:\src\flutter\brisk\windows\flutter\CMakeLists.txt' exited with code 1. [R:\src\flutter\brisk\build\windows\x64\flutter\flutter_assemble.vcxproj]
Building Windows application...                                    20.1s
Error: Build process failed.
AminBhst commented 3 months ago

Hey. Thanks for your interest in the project. I'd recommend using flutter version 3.16.9 as it's the version I use for development and also for building the app. Also make sure to run a flutter clean and try again. In most cases this resolves build related issues. No package updates are needed either. I will update the packages for future releases but this works fine for now.

g40 commented 3 months ago

Hello there and thanks again. Rewinding to 3.16.9 got me a build that runs. For anyone else here's how.

As I'd no previous versions installed, a flutter downgrade would always fail.

R:\src\flutter\brisk>flutter downgrade 3.16.9
There is no previously recorded version for channel "stable".

So, In the root of the flutter installation directory:

R:\apps\flutter>git checkout 3.16.9
Updating files: 100% (3261/3261), done.
Note: switching to '3.16.9'.

then, to clean and build:

R:\src\flutter\brisk>flutter clean
Downloading package sky_engine...                                  898ms
Downloading flutter_patched_sdk tools...                         1,066ms
Downloading flutter_patched_sdk_product tools...                 1,097ms
Downloading windows-x64 tools...                                    6.1s
Downloading windows-x64/font-subset tools...                       870ms
Deleting build...                                                   28ms
Deleting .dart_tool...                                               8ms
Deleting ephemeral...                                                1ms
Deleting ephemeral...                                                0ms
Deleting ephemeral...                                               28ms
Deleting .flutter-plugins-dependencies...                            0ms
Deleting .flutter-plugins...                                         0ms

R:\src\flutter\brisk>flutter run
Downloading Web SDK...                                              8.0s
Downloading windows-x64-debug/windows-x64-flutter tools...         10.5s
Downloading windows-x64/flutter-cpp-client-wrapper tools...        282ms
Downloading windows-x64-profile/windows-x64-flutter tools...        10.5s
Downloading windows-x64-release/windows-x64-flutter tools...         9.3s
Resolving dependencies...
  _fe_analyzer_shared 64.0.0 (70.0.0 available)
  analyzer 6.2.0 (6.5.2 available)
  archive 3.4.10 (3.6.1 available)
  args 2.4.2 (2.5.0 available)
  back_button_interceptor 7.0.1 (7.0.3 available)
  build_daemon 4.0.1 (4.0.2 available)
  build_runner 2.4.8 (2.4.10 available)
  built_value 8.9.0 (8.9.2 available)
  csv 5.1.1 (6.0.0 available)
  cupertino_icons 1.0.6 (1.0.8 available)
  dart_style 2.3.4 (2.3.6 available)
  ffi 2.1.0 (2.1.2 available)
  file_picker 6.1.1 (8.0.3 available)
  flutter_local_notifications 16.3.2 (17.1.2 available)
  flutter_local_notifications_platform_interface 7.0.0+1 (7.1.0 available)
  flutter_plugin_android_lifecycle 2.0.17 (2.0.20 available)
  flutter_spinkit 5.2.0 (5.2.1 available)
  flutter_svg 2.0.9 (2.0.10+1 available)
  frontend_server_client 3.2.0 (4.0.0 available)
  hotkey_manager 0.1.8 (0.2.3 available)
  http 1.2.0 (1.2.1 available)
  image 4.1.6 (4.2.0 available)
  intl 0.18.1 (0.19.0 available)
  js 0.7.0 (0.7.1 available)
  json_annotation 4.8.1 (4.9.0 available)
  launch_at_startup 0.2.2 (0.3.0 available)
< matcher 0.12.16 (was 0.12.16+1) (0.12.16+1 available)
< material_color_utilities 0.5.0 (was 0.8.0) (0.11.1 available)
< meta 1.10.0 (was 1.12.0) (1.15.0 available)
  package_info_plus 5.0.1 (8.0.0 available)
  package_info_plus_platform_interface 2.0.1 (3.0.0 available)
< path 1.8.3 (was 1.9.0) (1.9.0 available)
  path_provider 2.1.2 (2.1.3 available)
  path_provider_android 2.2.2 (2.2.5 available)
  path_provider_foundation 2.3.2 (2.4.0 available)
  pluto_grid 7.0.2 (8.0.0 available)
  pointycastle 3.7.4 (3.9.1 available)
  provider 6.1.1 (6.1.2 available)
  pubspec_parse 1.2.3 (1.3.0 available)
  shelf_web_socket 1.0.4 (2.0.0 available)
< test_api 0.6.1 (was 0.7.0) (0.7.2 available)
  timezone 0.9.2 (0.9.3 available)
  tray_manager 0.2.1 (0.2.3 available)
  url_launcher 6.2.4 (6.3.0 available)
  url_launcher_android 6.2.2 (6.3.3 available)
  url_launcher_ios 6.2.4 (6.3.0 available)
  url_launcher_macos 3.1.0 (3.2.0 available)
  url_launcher_platform_interface 2.3.1 (2.3.2 available)
  url_launcher_web 2.2.3 (2.3.1 available)
  uuid 3.0.7 (4.4.0 available)
  vector_graphics 1.1.9+2 (1.1.11+1 available)
  vector_graphics_codec 1.1.9+2 (1.1.11+1 available)
  vector_graphics_compiler 1.1.9+2 (1.1.11+1 available)
  web 0.3.0 (0.5.1 available)
  web_socket_channel 2.4.0 (3.0.0 available)
  win32 5.2.0 (5.5.1 available)
  win32_registry 1.1.2 (1.1.3 available)
  window_manager 0.3.8 (0.3.9 available)
  windows_notification 1.0.0 (1.2.0 available)
These packages are no longer being depended on:
- leak_tracker 10.0.4
- leak_tracker_flutter_testing 3.0.3
- leak_tracker_testing 3.0.1
- vm_service 14.2.1
Changed 9 dependencies!
59 packages have newer versions incompatible with dependency constraints.
Try `flutter pub outdated` for more information.
Launching lib\main.dart on Windows in debug mode...
Building Windows application...                                    69.2s
✓  Built build\windows\x64\runner\Debug\brisk.exe.
Syncing files to device Windows...                                 200ms

Flutter run key commands.
r Hot reload. 🔥🔥🔥
R Hot restart.
h List all available interactive commands.
d Detach (terminate "flutter run" but leave application running).
c Clear the screen
q Quit (terminate the application on the device).

A Dart VM Service on Windows is available at:
AminBhst commented 3 months ago

Great. Let me know if you faced any other issues