AminHosseinniya / Image_Segmentation_Femur_Bone

Final Project of Bachelor of Engineering at K.N.Toosi University of Technology.
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Development problem consultation #2

Open mingwenhua opened 1 week ago

mingwenhua commented 1 week ago

Hi AminHosseinniya, What is the current version of the deep learning development framework and library used?

Regard! ming wen

AminHosseinniya commented 3 days ago

Hi Ming Wen, Thank you for reaching out, and I sincerely apologize for the delay in responding to your question.

The code was developed using the following versions of the deep learning framework and libraries:

TensorFlow/Keras: 2.4.0–2.6.0 Pillow (PIL): 8.0.0–9.0.0 Matplotlib: 3.3.0–3.5.0 OpenCV (cv2): 4.5.0–4.5.4 NumPy: 1.19.0–1.21.0 Scikit-learn: 0.23.0–0.24.2 These versions were current when the code was written (around 2021-2022). If you’re working on replicating the project, I recommend using similar versions to ensure compatibility.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out again if you have any further questions or need assistance.

Best regards, MAH