Aminadav / webpage-screenshot

Entire page Screenshot extension for Google Chrome. I'm developing open source extension for Google Chrome. All extension are free for use. Let's make Chrome great again!
ISC License
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THOUGHT: Extending the extension --- l10n | i18n | github-page | wiki | education | documentation #36

Open leahparsuidualc-zz opened 8 years ago

leahparsuidualc-zz commented 8 years ago

TARGET: Issue #36

ORIGIN: @AminaG --- #35 | Pull-Request-Comments

I did, so far, got it (i think):

My yet-unwritten attempt was: To ADD what is MISSING;

Let me give an example and explain why i thought, that the described before, would be great for your project;

because for whatever reason|use-case, e.g.:

EXAM: The resulting call could be a set:

l10n={ 'messages':'dede' ,'hoverhelp':'dech' ,'helptext':'enus' ,'controls':'deat' ,'readme':'dede' ,'licensing':'enus' };

I hope you get what i am aiming|asking for.

So, the question is just:

WHERE should the original readme (in enus) be mirrored|linked, so that a translation can be hold in the same storage for optional access (sorted for developers|translators into one folder-by-origfilename+locale; for direct editing | usable by the extension itself to blend the content in naturally, by allowing specific l10n-setting.


Because ... you already have a bunch of stuff translated and i did not want to reinvent the wheel, but help make the extension complete, because:

Also, i couldn't ignore the fact:

I think it would be very nice to spend the opportunity to deliver a FULL extension, just because you already did it, the only little things that are missing are the described parts ( which are for sure the main fractions in terms of file-size, but the ignorable in terms of coding complexity ).

I hope you do not feel upset, but instead encouraged by my explanation.

I just think Open Screenshot would be the PERFECT FUNDAMENTAL EXAMPLE OF A FULLY FUNCTIONAL SCREENSHOT EXTENSION FOR BROWSERS ( ... ;) yeahyeah i know its just for chrome, ahem ;) ... )

By the way, you obviously have defnitely absolutely NO PROBLEM to answer one that asks for details about your project; so you MIGHT BE ABLE to give the WHOLE EXPERIENCE a shot.

Okay, please tell me one last time what your thoughts are, i hope i gave enough details and examples what my thoughts have been. If not, or if you wish to dicuss this no further, just let me know, i won't take it in anyway as an offense, just speak open and freely.

NOTE: The CAPITALIZED WORDS are not a CRYOUT, but in sense of letter-by-letter-readable, so one can see the dimension and opportunities behind.


Thanks for your interest. (btw.: Yes i COULD code that myself; No, i do not want to. And if you ask what my talents are, i name you one: having feelings when looking at structures leading to thoughts showing pathes of developments which themselve lead to final solutions ... Some call it Authism ;) )

As you may have noticed already, this is not just a further asking in the original pull request, but opened as a new issue, so others can add there own thoughts to it. As i already told, if there is no interest from your side its totally accepted, no offense taken, but at least: let it exist as an issue ( means: do not close, please ). One day, one might want to get into it, and even if not it contains some trackbacks and sidelinks, that will push your rankings in terms of better being found, for those that are in need of 'Open Screenshot'.n](

Aminadav commented 8 years ago

Thank you for all the details you provided. I'm going to help everyone who wants to contribute to the project. I'm a developer, and I'm working hard to improve the usability and fixing bugs. What you mention about explanations, and GitHub pages, is very important, but I need help with that. If you want to take the responsibility your welcome. Let me know what are your toughts.