Aminadav / webpage-screenshot

Entire page Screenshot extension for Google Chrome. I'm developing open source extension for Google Chrome. All extension are free for use. Let's make Chrome great again!
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Open Screenshot does not appear to request file URL access, despite instructions #96

Closed ferdnyc closed 6 years ago

ferdnyc commented 6 years ago

Using Google Chrome Version 61.0.3163.79 (Official Build) (64-bit) under Linux, with Open Screenshot 24.0 installed from the Chrome Store, when the extension is activated on a file:/// URL the pop-up pane contains the instruction:

Go to chrome://extensions, and check the box "Allow access to file URLs"

(Formatted with blue underlined text and appearing to be a link, but it does not respond to clicks.) Problem is, after manually navigating to Extensions, the file-URL checkbox is not present on Open Screenshot. screenshot from 2017-09-12 03-50-34 Compare to Stylish, which does request permission to access file:/// URLs.

DyaniPerson commented 6 years ago

I also have this issue. image

Aminadav commented 6 years ago

Please test the last version, it should be fixed.

ferdnyc commented 6 years ago

No, no it's not fixed. In fact, things are worse than ever.

Now there's a "Settings" button in the extension menu that does nothing (see how there's no "Options" link anymore, in the Extension listing), plus there's still no sign of it requesting File-access permissions.

screenshot from 2018-02-14 13-08-48

ferdnyc commented 6 years ago

Looking at the Settings issue, the problem there appears to be that settings.js is included in background.html — but there's no settings.js file included with the extension.

screenshot from 2018-02-14 13-36-58