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Finding Moats #7

Open AmitKumarDas opened 6 years ago

AmitKumarDas commented 6 years ago

Moats in a No-Moat Industry

Saber Capital's analysis of Merkel has valid points here:

Think often, act on few

There are a few answers to that question, but one major factor is the willingness to walk away from business that will not result in profits. This is harder than it sounds, because it involves willingly lowering current revenue—something that most executives and almost all Wall Street analysts don’t like.


However, a select few businesses have created incentive structures and an owners’ minded culture that allows them to be able to operate in such a profitable manner.

Berkshire obviously is one example of this—compounding shareholder value at 20% annually for half a century. Markel is another example.

Main ingredients

  • Consistent underwriting profits
  • Superior investment results
  • Excellent long-term owner/managers

Risk vs. Volatility

Markel invests a much larger portion of its equity into stocks relative to most P/C insurance companies. This means higher returns for the investment portfolio over time, and it means above average book value compounding, which correlates over time with the intrinsic growth in value of the enterprise.

It also means slightly more volatility—which is probably why most insurance companies prefer not to own equities. But Markel’s logic is the same as Buffett’s and most value investors—volatility is not risk. Risk is the uncertainty of losing permanent capital—not the temporary fluctuation in the quoted value of that capital.

Not just bonds & stocks but businesses

In addition to stocks and bonds, Markel also allocates capital to privately owned businesses. The company recently established an entity called Markel Ventures, which is the vehicle that holds wholly-owned and partially-owned operating businesses.

AmitKumarDas commented 6 years ago

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