go get -u github.com/AmitKumarDas/metac
go get: github.com/AmitKumarDas/metac@v0.1.0: parsing go.mod:
module declares its path as: openebs.io/metac
but was required as: github.com/AmitKumarDas/metac
exit status 1
go get -u openebs.io/metac
go get openebs.io/metac: unrecognized import path "openebs.io/metac" (parse https://openebs.io/metac?go-get=1: no go-import meta tags ())
exit status 1
Thanks. I'm using go modules with go 1.13, but not vendoring.
I got it working by adding those particular require and replace
directives from the sample go.mod in my own program.
It just seemed awkward.
If you want to keep the code hosted on github, but want to
continue using the module name at openebs.io consider setting
up the "vanity domain" stuff for that domain, so that go get works:
https://sagikazarmark.hu/blog/vanity-import-paths-in-go/ (edited)
I *really* like how `metac` can be imported as a library. Super nice
feature. As a go developer, it would be great to be able to go get
that, the same as I can for k8s.io modules, etc.
These were some comments/suggestions received from community in metacontroller slack channel.