AmoebeLabs / swiss-army-knife-card

The versatile custom Swiss Army Knife card for Home Assistant allows you to create your unique visualization using several graphical tools, styling options and animations.
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after upgradeto Home Assistant 2023.4.1 error i.setconfig is not a function #178

Closed alvinleegit closed 1 year ago

alvinleegit commented 1 year ago

Screenshot 2023-04-07 123143

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

Thank you for creating your first issue for the Swiss Army Knife custom card!

jgatringer commented 1 year ago

exact problem here. please help with a patch.

I made a very big solar-card with the live-state of my house and that card is very important for me. :-( For the moment i did a downgrade of Homeassistant to 2023-03...

Bildschirmfoto 2023-04-07 um 20 27 50
jwaz73 commented 1 year ago

Same issue here post upgrade to 2023.4.1 (Upgraded from 2023.3.3, skipped 2023.4.0).

Also seeing the following error in the HA core logs:

Logger: frontend.js.latest.202304061
Source: components/system_log/
First occurred: 22:45:40 (52 occurrences)
Last logged: 22:56:58

http://x.x.x.x:8123/hacsfiles/swiss-army-knife-card/swiss-army-knife-card.js:693:758 TypeError: SwissArmyKnifeCard.lovelace is null
:0:0 ResizeObserver loop completed with undelivered notifications.
cerebrate commented 1 year ago

This and #177 appear to be caused by a change in 2023.4.0 that makes custom-card-tools (which swiss-army-knife-card uses) break. I have a pull request in against custom-card-tools to fix this here:

In the meantime, to get swiss-army-knife-card working, you can grab the file from here:

place it in the www/community/swiss-army-knife-card/ directory under your Home Assistant configuration directory under the name custom-card-helpers.m.js, and then very carefully find the part at the top of swiss-army-knife-card.js in the same directory that reads


and change that and only that to


Since the browser will use the compressed version of the .js file if it can, after you have edited swiss-army-knife-card.js, delete swiss-army-knife-card.js.gz, and then make a new compressed version of your edited file with

gzip -k swiss-army-knife-card.js

Don't omit the -k, because you need both the .js and the .js.gz there. You'll need to do this any time you edit the .js.

Clear caches, reload resources, refresh, etc., and otherwise do the needful to get your browser to notice the changes, and you should have a working swiss-army-knife-card again.

tardich commented 1 year ago

Does not work for me... :-(

RHG2208 commented 1 year ago

I'm sorry to say that's not working for me either....

jgatringer commented 1 year ago

I'm sorry to say too. Doesn't work for me.

The new custom-card-helpers.m.js works in the old ha (2023.3.6). But not in the new ha version (2023.4.2)

gonczil commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately, I have the same problem. :(

"The new custom-card-helpers.m.js works in the old ha (2023.3.6). But not in the new ha version (2023.4.2)"

cerebrate commented 1 year ago

Well, that's damned odd, because it's working fine for me in 2023.4.2 right now...

...oh, bugger. Sorry, y'all, I forgot to mention a step. Since the browser will use the compressed version of the .js file if it can, after you have edited swiss-army-knife-card.js, delete swiss-army-knife-card.js.gz, and then make a new compressed version of your edited file with

gzip -k swiss-army-knife-card.js

Don't omit the -k, because you need both the .js and the .js.gz there. You'll need to do this any time you edit the .js.

gonczil commented 1 year ago

Solved, 1000 thanks and gratitude!

RHG2208 commented 1 year ago

Works for me too! Thank you very, very much! Very happy to see my 'under construction' dashboard is back again.

tardich commented 1 year ago

Worked on my side as well! Thanks a lot for clarifying ! :-)

jgatringer commented 1 year ago

Thanks a lot. Works for me too!

joeyjojo747 commented 1 year ago

I applied the fix and its working, expect in the companion app in iOS. Is there something that I need to do to get it to work in the companion app in iOS?

cerebrate commented 1 year ago


To clear cache in the iOS app the way that makes this fix work, you have to go to

Settings -> Companion App -> Debugging -> Reset frontend cache

If you haven't tried that already, try that, and then reload it. It should work then.

joeyjojo747 commented 1 year ago

@cerebrate that worked. Thank you!!

amyvgordon commented 1 year ago

@cerebrate - thanks so much for this! I've followed your instructions all the way through, but I'm coming unstuck at the final gzip step. Any pointers as to how I create the new compressed file?

stinobook commented 1 year ago

@cerebrate - thanks so much for this! I've followed your instructions all the way through, but I'm coming unstuck at the final gzip step. Any pointers as to how I create the new compressed file?

depends on your HASS installation, but the easiest way is to go into a terminal either via SSH or on your HASS itself and then go to the correct folder. once there remove the old compressed file and run the gzip -k command to create a new one.

stgallazzi commented 1 year ago

After update SAK to version v1.0.0-rc.4 the error "i.setconfig is not a function" came back, and the above procedure to solve the problem no longer works.

stgallazzi commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the reply, but I don't understand what dependency is missing. I use storage mode, and resources were added through U.I.. Before the update it worked perfectly.

cerebrate commented 1 year ago

I can't repro this, I'm afraid. I just updated to v1.0.0-rc.4 here and it's working fine without having to repeat the procedure.

AmoebeLabs commented 1 year ago

This commit: should have fixed this problem and is part of release

So, @cerebrate , Thanks for your efforts! I totally missed that change, as I had a fixed HA version (docker) running. So pulling new versions did not work and I didn't see my own cards failing...

@stgallazzi , did you clear your browser cache? And you should clear the frontend cache in the companion app for this change to get noticed by the mobile app.