AmpersandJS / ampersand-collection-view

Renders a collection with one view per model within an element in a way that cleans up and unbinds all views when removed.
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animateShow companion piece to animateRemove #39

Open codepunkt opened 9 years ago

codepunkt commented 9 years ago

Implementing a hide animation for this.view and removing it after the animation is finished is easily done by adding an animateRemove method to this.view, e.g.

var dom = require('ampersand-dom');
var View = require('ampersand-view');

module.exports = View.extend({
  template: '<li>item</li>',

  initialize: function () {
    this.onHidden = this.onHidden.bind(this);

  animateRemove: function () {
    this.el.addEventListener('transitionend', this.onHidden);
    dom.removeClass(this.el, 'visible');

  onHidden: function() {
    this.el.removeEventListener('transitionend', this.onHidden);

Adding a show animation that should execute whenever an item view is added to the collection view is not as easily done. One possible way would be a setTimeout in render, e.g.

  render: function () {
    View.prototype.render.apply(this, arguments);
    window.setTimeout(function () {
      dom.addClass(this.el, 'visible');
    }.bind(this), 0);

I don't like that approach though. I'd rather be able to define an animateShow or animateAdd method, such as

  animateShow: function() {
    dom.addClass(this.el, 'visible');

which i would invoke at the end of the _insertViewAtIndex method, directly after the item views el has been added to the DOM - e.g.

  _insertViewAtIndex: function (view) {
    if (!view.insertSelf) {
      // [...]

      // animate the view in if it has an `animateShow` method.
      if (view.animateShow) {
        view.el.clientWidth, view.animateShow();

Any opinions? Should i do a pull request?

kamilogorek commented 9 years ago

Quite similar issue regarding DOM insertion here –

codepunkt commented 9 years ago

Not sure if those are necessarily the same thing ;)

kamilogorek commented 9 years ago

Not the same but similar :)