AmpersandJS / ampersand-events

Standalone event system that can be mixed into any object
MIT License
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Allow listening to DOM events #17

Open robinplace opened 8 years ago

robinplace commented 8 years ago

Implementing, for example, a draggable element would be so nice like this:

const DraggableView = AmpersandView.extend ({
  events: {
    'mousedown': 'down', // start dragging and set listeners
  down: function (ev) {
    // we need to listen on window to handle panning outside the browser
    this.listenTo (window, 'mousemove', this.move)
    this.listenTo (window, 'mouseup', this.up)
  move: function (ev) {
  up: function (ev) {
    // this is way elegant!
    this.stopListening (window, 'mousemove')
    this.stopListening (window, 'mouseup')

Being able to do this would have huge advantages over other solutions:

I think implementing this should be just as simple as modifying ampersand-events to allow .listenTo and .stopListening on DOM elements. I think the code to stop listening on destruction is already in place and wouldn't need modification.

What do you think? Surely you cannot deny the awesomeness of what this would allow you to do; is this as simple to implement as it seems?