AmpersandJS / ampersand-router

Clientside router with fallbacks for browsers that don't support pushState. Mostly lifted from Backbone.js.
MIT License
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pushState should be true by default when starting history #12

Closed HenrikJoreteg closed 9 years ago

latentflip commented 10 years ago

My only concern here is what happens on IE9 out of the box with pushState. Though, I must admit I don't know exactly how backbone.router + pushState: true actually works in IE9. I bet @lukekarrys does though.

lukekarrys commented 10 years ago

In IE9, Backbone just makes all urls, but it still works when you do history.navigate('/path/to/page').

I've run into an issue in the past where I was using urls like /path/to/page?param=1&other=2 and trying to get the params through which doesnt work because it gets translated to /#path/to/page?param=1&other=2 where there is no This was generally just a Bad Idea since Backbone doesnt even support query params.

So the only cases where I see this breaking is where devs are manually using or location.hash. For my previous use case, I ended up using a query params plugin for Backbone. Maybe that's something we look in to making easier to do with the router?