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Hidden Markov models in PyMC3
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Add test with alpha as a RV for negative binomial models. #106

Open xjing76 opened 2 years ago

xjing76 commented 2 years ago

This PR added test for NB with an alpha as RV. However, it seems like that the samples in the toy model set up could not converge close enough to the real alpha

Where assert np.abs(trace.posterior.alpha.values[0].mean(0) - true_alpha)/true_alpha < 0.1 would not be able to pass even with very large number of samples.

xjing76 commented 2 years ago

Here is a notebook report on the findings. After I reduce the alpha parameter to smaller value. I think the true values are much easier to recover. However, when I set it to 100 there is still about 20% overshoot. 10% when provided true beta. But I am not sure if this is still a concern. I think I probably set alpha for toy data in python-model-deployment pretty unrealistically (100) and I shall just reduce it,

brandonwillard commented 2 years ago

Here is a notebook report on the findings.

This is very helpful! It's missing a plot of the simulated data, though, which would help illustrate some of the challenges in this simulation. For instance, I'm pretty sure that the variance is very large.

After I reduce the alpha parameter to smaller value. I think the true values are much easier to recover. However, when I set it to 100% there is still about 20% overshoot. 10% when provided true beta. But I am not sure if this is still a concern. I think I probably set alpha for toy data in python-model-deployment pretty unrealistically (100) and I shall just reduce it,

I think the results you're seeing are likely a result of a relatively small number of observations, a large variance, a small MCMC sample size, and/or the choice of alpha's prior.

It's difficult to see where the true values lie relative to the posterior distributions (see my comment), but none of them look too far off from the true values—at least not in a way that clearly implies systematic bias or the like. Aside from that, all of your alpha prior distributions were centered around the true value, so it's hard to gauge the quality of posterior estimation for that term.

Contrary to what you wrote in that notebook, it looks like the last model (i.e. with beta fixed at the true value) does worse than all the other ones that included alpha. Even though it's also centered at the true value, its posterior mean is noticeably lower. Plus, its trace plot doesn't look any better than the other ones (e.g. in terms of overt autocorrelation), but it's very difficult to tell given the small chain size.

Also, care needs to be taken when choosing priors for constrained parameters. In this case, alpha must be greater than zero, but the normal prior you've been using won't respect that on its own.

To help move past some of the ambiguities in the current simulation, try

You can also try decreasing the magnitude of the true beta (and alpha commensurately) in order to keep the simulated variance down.

xjing76 commented 2 years ago

Updated notebook

1 Increased number of obs to 500 2 Increased number of samples to 1000 3 Changed alpha prior to gamma distribution. 4 Added in a model with prior that is not centered around true alpha.

I think the prior did quite affect the ability of convergence quite a bit. Base on the toy setup it usually results in about 10% off from the true alpha.

brandonwillard commented 2 years ago

Updated notebook

1 Increased number of obs to 500 2 Increased number of samples to 1000 3 Changed alpha prior to gamma distribution. 4 Added in a model with prior that is not centered around true alpha.

I think the prior did quite affect the ability of convergence quite a bit. Base on the toy setup it usually results in about 10% off from the true alpha.

Do you think one of these would work as a test?