AmpersandTarski / Ampersand

Build database applications faster than anyone else, and keep your data pollution free as a bonus.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Retrieve schema (Ampersand Compiler service) #1401

Open stefjoosten opened 1 year ago

stefjoosten commented 1 year ago

At compile time, we want to extract the schema from an Ampersand-script. The schema is the Ampersand-script without the INTERFACEs and without the population. This is necessary when preparing a migration. The migration engineer will want to try his migration script, for which he would normally request the schema from an existing system. However, if she has no access to the system but only to its source code, the Ampersand compiler can provide the schema anyway.

This issue is part of the Migration epic, which facilitates incremental development of Ampersand application in production.


In the Ampersand compiler, make the Ampersand schema available in source code format for prototyping purposes.
